Admin Console Licenses
The Licenses module provides information for the available licenses and features related to your plan. For more detailed information on licenses, see Site and Node-Locked License Overview for Litmus Edge Manager.
You have the following options for adding a license:
- To add/upgrade a Node-locked license (online or offline), continue with the sections below.
Contact your Litmus representative to request a license key.
The License pane has three sections:
- License Settings: Switch between using a Node-locked or a Site license for Litmus Edge Manager.
- Available Licenses: View the applied licenses for Litmus Edge Manager.
- Online License Activation and Upgrade License Online: Activate (add) or upgrade a license if the Litmus Edge Manager is connected to the internet.
- Offline License Activation and Upgrade License Offline: Activate (add) or upgrade a license if the Litmus Edge Manager is not connected to the internet.
- Features: View the enabled features associated with your applied licenses.
Warning: Before activating the license, ensure all hardware / VM configuration steps that can modify the Media Access Control (MAC) address (add/replace a Network Interface Controller (NIC) card) are finalized.
The license Host ID depends on the MAC address for the device. The MAC address identifies the devices on a network. Changing the MAC address will invalidate the license.
A Litmus Edge Manager (LEM) license can be either Node-locked or Site. A Node-locked license is one that's locked onto the LEM to enable the instance to be used at anytime without a connection to the license server. A Site license requires a reachable connection to a licensing server.

[1] Select License Setting
[2] Save License Setting
- As of Litmus Edge Manager version 2.10.1, the Available Licenses section is only visible when selecting a Node-locked license. It is unavailable when a Site license is selected.
- As of Litmus Edge Manager version 2.11.0. the Add License and Upgrade core license features are part of the Available Licenses section.
- As of Litmus Edge Manager version 2.14.0, you have the option of deleting an existing license in the Available Licenses section.

[3] Show Filter / Hide Filter: Search by License
[4] Refresh Available Licenses
[5] Upgrade core license
[6] Delete License: Only available for Litmus Edge Manager version 2.14.0 and later.
You can add (activate) a new or upgrade an existing Litmus Edge Manager Node-locked license. Contact your Litmus representative to request a license key. You can activate your Node-locked license either online or offline.
You can add a Core or an Add-on Node-locked license. While multiple Add-on Node-locked licenses can be added as needed, only one Core license can exist.
Important: Any license added (activated) /upgraded for a Litmus Edge Manager is bound to its MAC address. In case the Litmus Edge Manager has to be reinstalled, assign the same MAC address again to be able to reuse all licenses.
Online activation allows you to add (activate) /upgrade a Litmus Edge Manager Node-locked license directly with the Litmus Licensing system. The user interface below is identical to Upgrade License Online.

To add(activate)/upgrade a license online:
- Ensure the Litmus Edge Manager establishes a connection with the internet.
- In the Activation Key field, enter the Litmus Edge Manager Node-locked license key you received from the Litmus Customer Success Team. The key has the following structure: <4 digits>-<4 digits>-<4 digits>-<4 digits>
- Click Submit.
After a successful add/upgrade, the license will be loaded and will be displayed in the Available Licenses and Features section respectively.
Offline activation allows you to add(activate)/upgrade a Litmus Edge Manager Node-locked license if enterprise cybersecurity rules do not allow for direct access with the Litmus Licensing system through the internet. The user interface below is identical to Upgrade License Offline.

- Make sure you have access to a web browser that is connected to the internet to complete this activation.
- If your web browser is on a separate computer, use a text file to copy the Host ID, Activation URL and Offline Response.
From the Offline License Activation / Upgrade License offline section:
- Enter the Node-locked license key in the Activation Key field.
- Click Generate request. The activation request appears in the Offline Activation Request field.
- Next to the Offline Activation Request field, Click the Copy activation request icon. The activation request is copied to your clipboard.
- Click Open License Portal. The Licensing Portal opens in a new tab.
From the Licensing Portal ( tab:
- Paste the activation request in the Activation Request field, and then click Make License. (You may need to verify I'm not a robot.) The encoded license appears in the Activation Result field.
- Next to the Activation Result field, click the Copy content to clipboard icon to copy the encoded license.
- Return to the Offline License Activation / Upgrade License offline section.
From the Offline License Activation / Upgrade License offline section again:
- Paste the encoded license in the Offline Activation Key field.
- Click Submit. The license is added.
You can filter and view features that are available for your plan from the Features section in the Licenses module. This section allows you to monitor which features are unlocked and available by the licenses. You can filter for a specific feature or group of features.

[6] Show Filter / Hide Filter: Search by Features