Litmus Edge Manager User UI

Manage Device Requests


The Activation Request List includes all the activation codes for your edge devices. You can approve, reject or remove an activation code, view the activation and provision status, and copy the activation code from here.

When you select an Activation code link from the Activation Request List, The Activation Config List appears. See Configuration for more information about what the Activation Config List includes.

Refer to the following actions you can take on the Litmus Edge Manager User UI's Activation Request List tab.

Activation Requests List
Activation Requests List



[1] Summary statistics

(Available for Litmus Edge Manager version 2.18.0 and later) Shows an optimized summary of the activation requests:

  • Waiting for Approval
  • Processing
  • Processed
  • Failed
  • Rejected
  • Deactivated

[2] Filter by status

Allows filtering of activation requests by their status for easier management.

[3] Multiple Select

Enables selecting multiple activation requests for bulk actions.

[4] View Activation code

Displays the activation code associated with the selected request.

[5] View Stage: Activation Status

[6] View Stage: Provision Status

[7] Action menu

  • Approve: Cannot accept an activation request that's already been rejected.
  • Reject: Cannot reject an activation request that's already been rejected. Cannot reject the following activation status : ACTIVIATED / DEACTIVIATED
  • Retry Failed
  • Delete: An activation request must be approved or rejected before it can be deleted.

Note: Summary statistics is a new feature and is available for Litmus Edge Manager version 2.18.0 and later.

Re-attempt of Activation Code after Rejected Activation Request

If an activation request sent by a Litmus Edge instance is rejected by a Litmus Edge Manager, you must first delete the rejected activation request in Litmus Edge Manager before the same Litmus Edge instance can re-attempt the activation code.

Failed Activation Request

Once an activation request is sent by a Litmus Edge, approving (activating) it may become unsuccessful. See the following error message for possible resolutions.

Error Message during Activation Request
Error Message during Activation Request