Litmus Edge Manager User UI
Product Features

Grafana Dashboards


Grafana is an open-source platform application for data visualization, monitoring and analysis. Grafana is used to visualize data sent by a device's data store. It is primarily used in conjunction with InfluxDB.

You can analyze, create and monitor KPIs using the Grafana dashboard. Access to the Grafana dashboard is defined using Keycloak authorization.

See Github for more information about example queries and panel information.

To receive the Admin role on Grafana Dashboards, see the Toggle Administrator role for Grafana section of Edit a User Profile.

Important: To visualize data in Grafana, you must select the RAW data option for the Edge Device Data Storage setting (Litmus Edge Manager User UI > Company > Project > Settings > Edge Device Data Storage). See Project Settings and Visualize Child Device Data Using Grafana to learn more.

Access Grafana Dashboards UI

To access the Grafana dashboard UI:

  1. Log in to Litmus Edge Manager.
  2. Select a company. The Projects pane appears.
  3. From the Projects pane, click a project or open the Action menu for a project and select View. The Dashboard pane appears for the project.
  4. From the Navigation panel, select Features. The Features pane appears.
  5. Click the Grafana Dashboards tile. The Grafana Dashboards pane appears in a separate browser tab.
Grafana Dashboard
Grafana Dashboard

Default Grafana Dashboards

Litmus Edge Manager-Grafana integration offers three default dashboards for acquiring analytics and more information about Litmus Edge instance.

Grafana Dashboard Samples
Grafana Dashboard Samples

  • Events: monitor the event activity of Litmus Edge tags.
  • Gateway details: Monitor the hardware/network status of a Litmus Edge and its tags. Things to consider:
    • This dashboard updates the selector values only when it loads. This means that if the dashboard is already open, the list won’t refresh after renaming the friendly name of an edge device.
    • The list retrieves values from metrics obtained from edge device every 30 seconds (by default), so it's advisable to wait at least one minute after renaming before accessing the dashboard.