Product Updates

Litmus Edge Manager 2.22.2


Important: For a seamless upgrade experience in upcoming releases, it's crucial to upgrade from version 2.16.4 to 2.22.2 before making any further upgrades. Skipping the initial upgrade to version 2.16.4 and then 2.22.2 may disrupt the upgrade process, and is therefore not recommended.

Release Date: Sept 25, 2024

Review the current list of Limitations.

New Features


Central Certificate Management:

  • The Certificates page has been updated to manage SSL Certificates on Edge Devices. The page includes combined menu items, sorting and filtering options, menu actions, as well as logging and monitoring features.
  • The Certificate action tab includes three actions:
    • Issue a new certificate
    • Upload a new certificate
    • Reset to Edge default certificate
  • The periodic certificate expiry check and renewal process for Edge devices is now available.

Central AI/ML Model Management:

  • The main homepage now features a new user interface for central management of AI/ML Models, including summary statistics to provide a comprehensive understanding of the usage of AI/ML Models within Litmus Edge.

DigiCert IoT Trust Manager integration:

  • The DigiCert IoT Trust Manager integration is now available from the admin console.

Central Licenses Management:

  • The License management homepage now features a new user interface with summary statistics, providing a comprehensive understanding of key usage within Litmus Edge Manager.
  • The License management page allows users to monitor and manage the expiration status of features and core licenses for edge devices within the current project.

Edge Devices:

  • The Edge Devices page in Admin Console now includes a new menu item for Node-Locked (NL) Licenses. This feature displays a list of all NL licenses used across all projects and allows you to download the list as a CSV file.


  • The Incidents option is now accessible under the Alerts page, allowing you to effortlessly configure triggers and send notifications.


  • The Activation > Requests page displays an optimized summary of the activation requests and their respective statuses, including Total, Waiting for Approval, Processing, Processed, and Failed.
  • The template variables now have a new drop-down selection menu for the variable name field, allowing users to select from the list of all the variables defined in the parameterized templates in the activation configuration.

Enhancements and Improvements


Admin Console Cloud Settings:

  • In Cloud settings:
    • When configuring Cloud Credentials, you now have the option of configuring GCP Workload Identity Federation (OIDC) for authorization.
    • During account service key rotation, mpc-sync service account keys are also rotated as well.
  • In Domain/SSL settings, the SSL Settings log now displays more information for update operations in SSL settings.
  • In Email settings, when the Enable SMTP toggle is disabled, any existing SMTP settings are now removed.

Data Lifecycle:

  • The Statistics page now has enhanced disk partition usage visualization, a comprehensive partition list, a new pie chart for improved data representation, and an expanded object list.

Edge Devices:

  • The Description column is added to the edge device list in admin console.
  • When the Litmus Edge Manager base-domain name is updated, respective activation URLs for Edge devices are automatically updated based on the new domain name.
  • Upgrades are now restricted to VM-based Edge devices. Upgrades on Docker-based Edge devices are not allowed.
  • The limit for the activation endpoint of 10 rps (requests per second) is now removed, allowing for more Edge devices to be processed at one time.
  • The error message now contains the Activation config code and correct template name during failed activations with a template.
  • Added logging for the deactivation process for an edge device in the API actions log.


  • The Templates module for Edge devices are now included in Litmus Edge Manager backups. If a Litmus Edge Manager backup is restored, Edge device templates are also restored.
  • The template names must be unique and cannot be duplicated.

DLM Actions:

  • The Purge action can now be used to archive and delete Clickhouse table data.

Alerts & Triggers:

  • The alert for DeviceHub device offline status has been updated to exclude stopped DeviceHub devices from generating Offline Device alerts.
  • The Litmus Edge Manager now supports triggering alerts with severity set to Info.


  • Upgraded keycloak to 24.0.5.

User Interface:

  • The Company list page onlog-inn now displays the number of connected edge devices for each company.


  • The Issue a new certificate dialog box has a new Certificate Authority field, which includes Litmus Edge Manager and DigiCert IoT Trust Manager as selectable values for certificate issuance.


  • The marketplace catalog's API can be accessed by third-party applications using tokens authorized by Litmus Edge Manager's admin.


  • The CREDENTIALS page in Project Settings has been updated with a new user interface to separately display and download SSL certificate information for MQTT and Web servers.
  • The DigiCert IoT Trust option is available from the Admin Console Settings to set the SSL certificates only when the DigiCert integration parameters are configured.


  • The SSL settings have a new Async task to distribute Litmus Edge Manager's CA certificates to all activated Edge devices.


  • The support bundle has been updated to include docker disk usage information.


  • The title of the Software menu under Projects has now changed to Software Update.


  • The Incidents now have added support for creating alerts and triggers based on OPC UA telemetry from the Prometheus endpoint.


  • The marketplace catalog app now supports adding fully compliant Docker Compose files to the new application releases.
  • The device deployment status display has been improved to show the number of devices with the app and the total number of devices (online + offline). Additionally, the help text has been updated, and a subheader has been added to describe the widget's purpose without requiring a hover.

Resolved Issues


Edge Management:

  • Fixed issue with flows dashboard not showing on Remote UI.


  • Various vulnerabilities fixes are addressed in this release.

Events & Alerts:

  • Fixed the issue of not being able to set the Verify SSL setting to false.

Software Updates:

  • Fixed issues with upgrades through update files failing because of insufficient disk space.

User Interface:

  • Fixed issue with % data on the Disk Usage graph, partially hiding the number. All data in percentages are displayed in full now.


  • Fixed issue where the Clickhouse data directory was relocated to the wrong location during an upgrade.


  • Fixed issue with the Two-factor authentication section that was causing an Internal server error when attempting to set up 2FA.


  • Fixed issue encountered when attempting to add a site without an image, resulting in an Error 403.


  • Fixed issue with an empty list displaying after filtering the list of applications by catalog.


  • Fixed issue with not all associated projects being automatically selected when you select [Company name] [All projects].
  • Fixed issue with the long-term API Admin token not being able to create a new company and returning an error message.


  • Fixed issue with devicehub drivers parsing and saving payloads with new keys to OMA tables in ClickHouse.
  • Fixed issue with maximum message size for syslog where messages are now truncated to fit within the limit.

Deprecated Components and Features



  • The OMA bindings are no longer available for any project.