How-To Guides
Integration Guides

MindSphere Integration Guide


Review the following guide for setting up an integration between Litmus Edge and MindSphere.

Step 1: Create a MindSphere Aspect

To create a MindSphere aspect:

  1. Log in to MindSphere.
  2. From the dashboard, select Asset Manager. The Asset Manager pane appears.
  3. From the left pane, select Aspects. The Aspects pane appears.
  4. Click Create aspect. The Create aspect dialog box appears.

    Create aspect dialog box
    Create aspect dialog box
  5. In the Name field, enter Litmus.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click Add variable. The Variables section drops down.
  7. Configure the following parameters.
    • Name: Enter temperature.
    • Data type: Select LONG.
    • Unit: Enter C.
  8. Click Add variable. A new row appears in the Variables section.
  9. Configure the following parameters.
    • Name: Enter pressure.
    • Data type: Select INT.
    • Unit: Enter bar.
  10. Scroll down and click Save. The aspect appears in the Aspects pane.

    The Aspects pane
    The Aspects pane

Step 2: Create a Type

To create a type:

  1. From the left pane, click Types. The BasicAsset pane appears.
  2. From the Core types section, select BasicAgent. The BasicAgent pane appears.
  3. From the Core types section, select MindConnectLib. The MindConnect Lib pane appears.
  4. Click Add derived type. The Create type dialog box appears.
  5. In the Name field, enter boiler.
  6. From the Aspects section, click Add aspect. A new row appears in the Aspects list.
  7. From the Aspects list, select the aspect you created from the Aspect drop-down list.
  8. Click Save. The aspect appears in the boiler pane.

    The boiler pane
    The boiler pane
  9. Click Back twice. The BasicAsset pane appears.

Step 3: Create an Asset

To create an asset:

  1. From the left pane, click Assets. The root asset pane appears.
  2. Click Create asset. The Select type pane appears.
  3. Select boiler from the list, and then click Create. The Add asset dialog box appears.
  4. In the name field, enter plant12, and then click Save. The plant appears in the root asset list.

    The root asset list
    The root asset list

Step 4: Configure the MindConnect Lib plugin

To configure the MindConnect Lib plugin:

  1. From the Aspects pane, click the Mindconnect Lib section. The Configure MindConnect Lib dialog box appears.
  2. Select SHARED_SECRET, and then click Save. The Edit boarding configuration dialog box appears.
  3. Click Generate onboarding key. The key appears in the Boarding configuration field.
  4. Click Copy to clipboard. The key is copied to your clipboard.

Step 5: Add the MindSphere Connector

Follow the steps to Add a Connector and select the MindSphere PSK provider.

Configure the following parameters.

  • Name: Enter a name for the connector.
  • Agent boarding configuration: Paste the key generated in Step 4.
  • Aspect name: Enter the aspect name created in Step 1.
  • Throttling limit: The maximum number of messages per second to be processed. The default value is zero, which means that there is no limit.
  • Persistent storage: When enabled, this will cause messages to undergo a store-and-forward procedure. Messages will be stored within Litmus Edge when cloud providers are online. 
  • Queue Mode: Select the queue mode as lifo (last in first out) or fifo (first in first out). Selecting lifo means that the last data entry is processed first, and selecting fifo means the first data entry is processed first.

Step 6: Enable the Connector

After adding the connector, click the toggle in the connector tile to enable it.

Document image

If you see a Failed status, you can review the Connector Logs and relevant error messages.

Step 7: Add Device

Step 8: Add Tags

Step 9: Create Topics for Connector

You will now need to import the tags created in Step 7 as topics for the MindSphere connector. The topics will be created as outbound topics.

After adding all required topics, navigate to the Integration overview page and ensure the connector is not disabled and still shows a CONNECTED status.

Step 10: Enable Topics

To enable the topics, return to the Topics tab and click the Enable all topics icon.

Enable all topics icon
Enable all topics icon

Step 11: Add Data Source

To add the data source:

  1. Log in to MindSphere.
  2. Click the Menu icon, and select Asset Manager. The Asset Manager pane appears.
  3. From the left pane, click plant12. The Aspects pane appears.
  4. Click MindConnect Lib. The MindConnect Lib Plugin for the plant12 boiler appears.
  5. Click Add data source. The Add data source dialog box appears.
  6. In the Name field, enter boiler, and then click Accept. The boiler line item is added.
  7. Click Add data point next to the boiler line item. The Add data point dialog box appears.
  8. Configure the following parameters.
    • Name: Enter temp.
    • Type: Select LONG.
    • Unit: Enter C.
  9. Click Accept. The first data point is added to the boiler line item.
  10. Click Add data point next to the boiler line item.
  11. Configure the following parameters.
    • Name: Enter pres.
    • Type: Select INT.
    • Unit: Enter bar.
  12. Click Accept. The second data point is added to the boiler line item.
  13. Click Save, and then click Save again.
  14. Click the Data mappings tab.
  15. Click the Expand arrow next to boiler to display the data points.
  16. Click Link variable next to temp. The Link variable dialog box appears.
  17. Select Link variable next to temperature, and then click Accept. The data mapping for temperature appears under temp.
  18. Click Link variable next to pres. The Link variable dialog box appears.
  19. Select Link variable next to pressure, and then click Accept. The data mapping for pressure appears under pres.
  20. Click Close. The Asset pane appears.

Step 12: Verify the Connection

To verify the connection:

  1. Return to the MindSphere Edit boarding configuration dialog box browser tab.
  2. Note that Onboarded shows a green status.

    Onboarded Boarding status
    Onboarded Boarding status
  3. Click Close. The plant12 assets pane appears.
  4. Click the Menu icon, and select Fleet Manager. The Fleet Manager pane appears.
  5. From the left pane, click plant12. the Aspects pane appears to the right displaying the MindSphere aspect.
  6. From the right pane, click the Litmus Edge aspect. The aspect chart appears displaying the variables.
  7. Click the Zoom icon multiple times until the temperature and pressure lines diverge.