How-To Guides
Integration Guides

LitmusEdge with AWS IoT SiteWise


Review the following guide to set up an integration between Litmus Edge and AWS IoT SiteWise to send data directly to the cloud.

Before You Begin

Before completing these steps, make sure to do the following:

Set Up Integration in AWS

Step 1: Deploying Litmus Edge From AWS IoT SiteWise Console

To deploy litmus edge from your AWS IoT SiteWise console:

  1. Open the AWS IoT SiteWise browser tab and navigate to Data Sources section. See Add a partner data source and SiteWise Edge gateway partner data source option for more details.
  2. Click Add data source. The Add data source panel appears.

    Add data source panel
    Add data source panel
  3. Configure the following parameters to add data source and activate litmus edge.
    • Source type: Select Litmus Edge from the drop-down list.
    • Source name: Name your Litmus Edge instance.
    • Activation configuration: This configuration is optional.
      • For this guide, select Activate now using a code.
      • To activate with Litmus Edge manager later, select Activate later on Litmus Edge.
        • Litmus Edge will not be activated with Litmus Edge Manager and will require manual activation, licensing and configuration. See Activate an Edge Device for details.
    • Check the Authorize check box.
    • Click Save.

      Document image
      Add data source dialog box
      Add data source dialog box

Step 2: Monitor the Deployment

To monitor the deployment of edge devices:

  1. Return to the AWS IoT SiteWise Console.
  2. Click the Greengrass core device name under the Edge gateways section. The Overview page for the Core Device appears.

    Overview page
    Overview page
  3. Click Deployments and check the status of the latest deployment. Allow a few minutes for the deployment to refresh.

    Deployments page
    Deployments page
  4. The Status on this device tab will change to Succeeded. The deployment of the edge device is completed.

    Deployments page
    Deployments page

Step 3: Approve Activation in Litmus Edge Manager

Notes: Ensure that the correct template is applied during the configuration, as this will provide the necessary connector setup.

See Step 3: Add Template in Set Up an Activation Configuration for details.

Download the template file below:

After deployment, go back to Litmus Edge Manager and approve the activation request. See Step 4: Approve the Activation Request in Litmus Edge Manager for details.

Set Up Integration in Litmus Edge

After setting up your AWS account, you will need to log in to the previously deployed Litmus Edge instance to complete the steps for integrating with AWS IoT SiteWise.

You can access the Litmus Edge UI by directly accessing the AWS SiteWise Edge gateway.

If direct access is not available, they can also remotely connect to the Litmus Edge instance from the Litmus Edge Manager from Open Edge Devices.

Important: To log in to your Litmus Edge instance, you need the IP of the gateway and port 8443. See Access the Litmus Edge Web UI for more details.

Step 4: Add Device

Follow the steps to Connect a Device. The device will be used to store tags that will be eventually used to create outbound topics in the connector.

Step 5: Add Tag to Device

After connecting the device in Litmus Edge, you can Add Tags to the device. Create tags that you want to use to create outbound topics for the connector.

Step 6: Add MQTT - AWS IoT SiteWise Edge Connector

Follow the steps to Add a Connector and select the MQTT - AWS IoT SiteWise Edge provider.

Configure the following parameters.

  • Name: Enter Connector Name.
  • Client ID: Enter Unique client identity.
  • Property Alias: This can be static or use format directives, with the default being /$D/$N (e.g., /<device_name>/<tag_name>). Ensure the Property Alias matches the AWS IoT SiteWise Asset Measurement Alias.
  • Integration Topic: AWS recommends that the default integration topic for publishing matches the Property Alias.
  • Additional Alias Definition: (Optional) String to further define dynamic Property Alias and Integration Topic.
  • Click Save or Update.

    MQTT - AWS IoT SiteWise Edge dialog box
    MQTT - AWS IoT SiteWise Edge dialog box

Step 7: Enable the Connector

After adding the connector, click the toggle in the connector tile to enable it.

Enable the Connector
Enable the Connector

If you see a Failed status, you can review the Connector Logs and relevant error messages.

Step 8: Create Topics for Connector

You will now need to create topics for the connector. To create outbound topics, you have the option of importing the tag created in Step 5. To create inbound topics, you will have to manually create the topic.

To create outbound topics:

  1. Click the connector tile. The connector Dashboard appears.
  2. Click the Topics tab.
  3. Click the Import from DeviceHub tags icon. The DeviceHub Import dialog box appears.

    Document image
  4. Select all the tags to import and click Import.

Step 9: Enable Topics

Ensure the topics you imported are enabled by returning to the Topics tab and clicking the Enable all topics icon.

Document image

Step 10: Verify Outbound Data

To verify that data is landing in AWS IoT SiteWise, you can check either the Data Streams or the specific Asset where the data is expected to publish.

You will need to log in to your AWS console to verify that outbound messages are being sent.

Step 10a: Verify Data from Data Streams

To verify outbound messages from data streams:

  1. Log in to your AWS console.
  2. From the side menu, navigate to the Data streams pane.

    Data streams pane
    Data streams pane
  3. Click the Refresh button to refresh the page. The Data streams info table shows a new topic.
  4. Enable the topic and confirm that data is flowing correctly from Litmus Edge to AWS IoT SiteWise.
    • The Data stream alias in AWS SiteWise Console will be the Integration Topic or Remote Data topic defined in the Litmus Edge AWS IoT SiteWise Edge Integration.

The data was successfully sent from Litmus Edge to the broker AWS IoT Sitewise.

Data streams page
Data streams page

Step 10b: Verify Data from Asset’s Measurement

If the Property Alias configured in Litmus Edge matches what is set in AWS IoT SiteWise, the data will be visible in the Asset’s measurement section.

To verify outbound messages from asset’s measurement:

  1. Log in to your AWS console.
  2. From the side menu, navigate to the Assets pane.
  3. Click Measurements under the Property Type.
  4. Confirm that data is flowing correctly from Litmus Edge to AWS IoT SiteWise.

The data was successfully sent from Litmus Edge to the broker AWS IoT Sitewise.

Asset’s Measurement Page
Asset’s Measurement Page