MAC Address Issues for Docker Containers
Docker engine will generate a new MAC address each time a container is created. If you install Litmus Edge in Docker, the license depends on the MAC address. If the container is recreated and gets a new MAC address, the license will not work.
If you need to re-install Litmus Edge, don't delete the original container. Instead, stop it using the command: docker stop <container name or id>. Then, continue installing the new container.
If the original container is deleted, see the steps below to configure the new container with the same MAC address.
In the command below, Docker Alpine is used.
Review the following descriptions of the parameters in the command.
- --name: container name
- -d: Run container in background and print container ID
- -i: Keep STDIN open even if not attached
- -t: Allocate a pseudo-TTY
- alpine: alpine linux distribution
- /bin/bash: run bash on container
Learn more about docker container run.
Use the following command to view and copy the MAC address of the container.
If you get this error from above command: 'grep' is not recognized as an internal or external command, use the command below:
Expect an output like this: MacAddress:02:42:0a:1e:32:02
Copy the MAC address part 02:42:0a:1e:32:02
Use the following command to recreate the Litmus Edge container. Replace the MAC address with your specific address information.
The use of the option --mac-address is to specify the old mac address.
Use the command in Step 2 to verify that the correct MAC address is being used by the new container.