
User Journey


The diagram below displays the most common user journey of the Litmus Edge experience. This journey can include multiple paths and you are welcome to combine these as you see fit.

Litmus Edge User Journey
Litmus Edge User Journey




You have several options for installing Litmus Edge depending on your specific requirements. The most common installation scenarios are the following:

  • Installation on a physical hardware device such as an IPC (Industrial PC)
  • Installation as a VM (virtual machine). You can install as a VM using the following virtual environments:
    • Oracle VirtualBox
    • VMWare ESXi
    • VMware Workstation Player
    • QEMU Emulator KVM
    • Windows Hyper-V
  • Installation on Docker
  • Installation on Kubernetes

See Installation and Deployments to learn more.


After installing Litmus Edge, you can customize the setup of the instance to your specific requirements.

  • [2a] The Litmus Edge software package installation includes a default configuration for the selected device's interface. You must configure the default entries with your own network information. See Configure Network Interfaces to learn more.
  • [2b] The Litmus Edge software package installation includes a default configuration for the Fallback DNS Resolvers that is only suitable for the open Internet. You must delete and replace the default entries with your own network information. See Fallback DNS Resolvers to learn more.
  • [2c] The Litmus Edge software package installation includes a default configuration for the NTP server ports that is only suitable for the open Internet. You must delete and replace the default entries with your own network information. See NTP Servers to learn more.


Once Litmus Edge is installed and configured properly, you can start adding devices and tags in DeviceHub.

  • [3a] See Connect a Device to learn how to connect devices to DeviceHub. Review the Industrial Systems Connection Guide to see the list of available drivers and compatible PLCs/devices.
  • [3b] Add Tags to the connected device to subscribe to that device’s data by register. For example, you may tag the PLC registers that contain the current temperature and vibration values. The data is collected with the frequency you define, automatically normalized, and published to the internal Message Broker. This data becomes available to both internal and external entities.


You have several options to process, visualize, and analyze the polled and normalized data.

  • Create and Manage Data Flows: Flows allow you to view device data and configure the output so you can better visualize how the device is operating. For example, you can subscribe to a tag that provides temperature values, average the temperature values per hour, and then publish the average values to the Message Broker. You can then add a function that monitors the published average temperatures and raises an alarm if the value exceeds a predefined threshold. See Flows Manager to learn more.
  • Create and Manage Analytics Flows & Models: Analytics are used to create flows. You can add input, function, and output instances, and then connect them. The flows can use KPIs or Machine Learning models. For example, you can apply out-of-the-box Compliance and Loss or Production Cycle KPIs to the data obtained from the Message Broker. You can then publish the results to another tag at the Message Broker. Alternatively, you can submit the data to a pre-trained TensorFlow machine learning model and use the resulting predictions for decision making.
  • Visualize and Analyze Data with Marketplace Applications: You have access to a default set of applications in a Public Marketplace. You can add your own Docker container-based applications in a Private Repository. See Applications and Applications Guides to learn more.
  • Integrate Connector to Third-Party Systems: You can configure connectors to connect to cloud services. This allows you to publish data from an edge device directly to a cloud service provider or database. See Integration and Integration Guides to learn more.
  • Add an OPC UA Hierarchy: The OPC UA protocol provides a publish-subscribe client server technology for reliable data transmission. You can add your edge devices and tags in a hierarchy. See OPC UA Server to learn more.
  • Customize Systems: Customize settings such as security, network, user, and other settings to protect the integrity of your edge instance. See the options in the System section of Litmus Edge to learn more.