Product Features
Download an Image
Pull an Image from the Azure Container Registry
You can import an image from the Azure container registry on the Images pane.
Before you complete the steps below, make sure you do the following:
- Verify you have permissions to import an image.
To copy the image from Azure:
- Open the Azure application.
- Navigate to the AzureContainerRegistry.
- Click the registry item from which you want to pull.
From the registry item pane, copy the name of the image.
Note: If you copy the entire registry name, you will get a bad request when you import the application and the import will fail.
To pull the image in Litmus Edge:
- Log in to Litmus Edge.
- From the Navigation panel, select Applications. The Overview pane appears.
- From the Navigation panel, select Images. The Images pane appears.
Click the Pull Image icon. The Pull Image dialog box appears.
- In the Image Name field, paste the image you previously copied from Azure.
- Click Pull.