Product Features
DB Management

Manage the Timeseries DB


You can manage the Timeseries DB by navigating to DataHub > DB Management.

Note: For Litmus Edge version 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.5, and 3.5.6, DB Management options are related to internal databases configured in DataHub (Legacy).

DataHub's DB Management module offers the following functionalities:

  • Drop Tables
  • Delete a Database

View Tables

You can view database tables from the DB Management pane by clicking the tsdata database name.

Document image

The DataHub tables are the data from the devices you added in DeviceHub if you enabled data store.

After clicking tsdata, the tables drop down and are selectable.

Individual database tables
Individual database tables

Drop Tables

You can drop a table from the timeseries database in the DB Management pane.

Note: By dropping a table, you delete the data stored for devices you had added in DeviceHub with data store enabled.

To drop a table from the database:

  1. From the DB management pane, click the database name: tsdata. The selected database's tables drop down.
  2. Select a table's check box and click the Remove Selected Data icon. The Confirm Deletion dialog box appears.

    The Remove selected table icon
    The Remove selected table icon
  3. Click Yes. The selected table's data is removed from the database.

Delete a Database

You can delete the time series database from the DB Management pane.

To delete the database:

  1. From the DB management pane, click the Remove Database icon by the database name. The Confirm Deletion dialog box appears.

    The Remove Database icon
    The Remove Database icon
  2. Click Yes. The database is removed from the DB Management pane.