Product Features
Digital Twins

Manage Instances



  • The Digital Twins feature is available for Litmus Edge version 3.3.1 and later.
  • To access the Digital Twins feature, you need a Scale or Growth Litmus license.

After you create instances, you can navigate to Digital Twins > Instances to manage them.

Change Instance View

Click the icons for Show devices grid or Show devices table to change how you view your instances.

Change instance view icons
Change instance view icons

Filter and Search Instances

Use the search bar to search by instance name.

The Instance search bar
The Instance search bar

Manage Individual Instances

From the Show devices grid view, you can use instance tiles to access management options. Refer to the image and callouts below.

Management options for individual instance
Management options for individual instance

[1] Action menu: The action menu displays the following options.

  • Disable/Enable
  • Edit
  • Delete

[2] Copy Instance Topic

[3] Disable/Enable Instance

[4] Edit: Update the associated model, instance name, interval, and select/unselect the Flatten Hierarchy check box.

Note: The Flatten Hierarchy feature is available for Litmus Edge version 3.3.2 and later. When Flatten Hierarchy is selected, it will take a nested JSON object and convert it into a JSON object with one layer using dot notation. This is useful when sending JSON objects to InfluxDB, because InfluxDB does not accept nested JSON objects.

[5] Delete

Manage Instance Parameters

You can click the Instance tile (grid view) or Instance name (table view) to view the instance details. See the Step 2: Configure Instance section from Add an Instance for details on updating the parameters. After making changes make sure to save the updates and then Restart the instance.