Product Features
Flows Manager
Flow Canvas Dashboard

Dashboard Theme


The Theme tab allows you to control the style, background color and font settings for your Dashboard.

Dashboard Theme tab
Dashboard Theme tab

You can select the following options for Style:

  • Light (default)
  • Dark
  • Custom

The Light style includes preconfigured base settings which you can change according to your taste.

  • Background color: Click the color field and select a different color.
  • Font: Select a specific font from the Font drop-down list.
Light theme options
Light theme options

The Dark style includes preconfigured base settings which you can change according to your taste.

  • Background color: Click the color field and select a different color.
  • Font: Select a specific font from the Font drop-down list.
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When you select the Custom style, several settings drop down. You can save the custom theme to the library or select a saved theme from the library.

The Custom style allows you to make the following configurations:

  • Base Settings: You can edit the base color and font from here.
  • Page Settings: You can select the background colors for the Title Bar, Page and Side Bar from here.
  • Group Settings: You can select the colors for Group text, border and background from here.
  • Widget Settings: You can select the colors for Widget text, color and background from here.
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