Product Features
Flows Manager

Manage a Flows Manager


You can manage flows managers by navigating to Flows Manager > Overview.

Manage Individual Flows Managers

Refer to the image and callouts below for management options.

Management options for flows managers
Management options for flows managers

[1] Flows Manager status: The Flows Manager can have the following statuses.

  • Running: The flow has been deployed and is currently running as defined.
  • Stopped: The flow has been stopped by the user.
  • Warning: The flow encountered a problem. It has either timed out or is not running as defined.

[2] Go To Flow Definition: Opens the flow canvas. See Create a Flow to learn more.

[3] Update Memory Limit: Change the current memory limit. The options are: 256 MB, 512 MB, 1024 MB, 2048 MB, and 4096 MB.

[4] Start Flow: Starting a Flows Manager affects all associated individual flows and tabs in the flow canvas.

[5] Stop Flow: Stopping a Flows Manager affects all associated individual flows and tabs in the flow canvas.

[6] Upload Modules: Refer to the "Upload Modules" section below to learn how to upload a preexisting module or custom modules from an individual flow.

[7] Download Flow File: Download all associated flows and tabs for the Flows Manager.

[8] Download Logs: Download a log to review the activity of the Flows Manager and troubleshoot issues.

[9] Remove Flow: Removing a Flows Manager affects all of the associated tabs and cannot be undone.

Upload Modules

You can upload a pre-existing module or custom modules from an individual flow.

Module files contain a collection of nodes that can be uploaded simultaneously to the Flow canvas.


  • Make sure the module file you upload contains all dependencies.
  • If your custom node modules are version specific, make sure they work with nodejs 10.16.3.
  • If custom node modules have any binding or require C/C++ compilation, the upload may not work.

To upload modules:

  1. In your project directory, create a folder named node_modules.
  2. Add the nodes files you want included in the node_modules folder.
  3. Compress the node_modules folder into a ZIP file. To create the ZIP file, you can right-click the folder in Windows File Explorer, and then select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  4. In Litmus Edge, navigate to Flows Manager.
  5. Click the Upload Modules icon for the flows manager you want to update.
  6. Select the ZIP file of the folder you compressed and select Open.
  7. After the upload, stop and start the flows manager to implement the changes.

If you don't see the expected new nodes after uploading and then stopping/starting, check the flow log to troubleshoot the issue.