Product Features
Replace a Damaged Device
Whenever a Litmus Edge device needs to be replaced, several steps must be taken to get the new device configured and online with minimal interruption.
If you only need to restore a device configuration to a device that isn't damaged, see Restore a Device.
- The replacement device must be on the same network as the device that was backed up. If the backed up device has a static IP address assigned to it, then the replacement device gets that same IP address. For example, a replacement device has an IP address of and the backed up device is on a network with an IP address of After restoration, the replacement device is no longer accessible with the address because it now assumes the address.
- The backup can only be restored to the same device or to a replacement device.
- The backup can only be restored to a device with the same license key.
- The Restore operation overwrites all configurations collected since the last backup.
Make sure you have obtained a license for backup and restore.
To replace a damaged device, you will need to do the following:
- Step 1: Activate the license
- Step 2: Restore backup file
See Activate a Node-Locked License Online to learn how to activate the license for the device.
To restore the backup file:
- In Litmus Edge, navigate to System > Backup/Restore. The Backup/Restore pane appears.
From the Backup/Restore Configuration section, click Restore.
- Navigate to the backup.dat file you stored on your local drive, and click Open.
- Click OK. Once restored, the Litmus Edge device restarts with the configuration backed up on the selected file. When the device reboots, refresh the Litmus Edge application.
- Activate the Litmus Edge Manager connection by setting the device status to Online. This action registers the new device with Litmus Edge Manager and the corresponding LWM2M and MQTT protocols.