Product Features
Device Management

Manage Edge Devices


You can manage edge devices by navigating to System > Device Management.

Deactivate a Device

To deactivate a device, locate the device in the Cloud Activation section, and then click Deactivate for the device.

Important: A system reboot is required after device deactivation.

Manage Edge Devices

Management options for edge devices are available from the Manage section of the Device Management pane.

Management options for edge devices
Management options for edge devices

  • Reboot: You can reboot the Litmus Edge device.
  • Reset: Revert the edge device to its factory settings. All edge device configurations are removed and Litmus Edge returns to its original state before any configurations were created.

Software Update

The Software Update section allows you to upgrade by either uploading an update file or downloading the update file. See Software Updates to learn more.

Software Update section
Software Update section