Product Features
External Storage
Cloud Storage Sync

Create a Cloud Storage Sync Job


Note: Cloud Storage Sync is available for Litmus Edge version 3.11.0 and later. Enable the feature from System > Support > Features.

You can create Cloud Storage sync jobs by navigating to System > External Storage > Cloud Sync.

Before You Begin

Before you can start leveraging Cloud Storage Sync, you will need to do the following:

  • Enable Cloud Storage Sync feature
  • Set up source directory.

See Cloud Storage Sync to learn more.

Create Cloud Storage Sync Job

Note: You can schedule the sync job to run at periodic intervals. Any file in the local directory that is newly added or modified between the intervals will be transferred to the cloud at the next interval. Any file that was not transferred successfully at the last interval will be transferred again at the next interval.

To create a cloud storage sync job:

  1. Navigate to System > External Storage and click the Cloud Sync tab.
  2. Click Add sync job. The Edit Cloud Sync Job dialog box displays.

    Add sync job link
    Add sync job link
  3. Enter a name for the job.
  4. Select a provider for the job: AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage.

Configure the parameters for the provider.


  • Region: Enter the region name. See Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas to learn more.
  • Access key ID: Enter the appropriate access key ID. See AWS security credentials to learn more.
  • Secret access key: Enter the appropriate secret access key. See AWS security credentials to learn more.
  • Source: Enter the file path to the local directory. For example: /var/lib/customer/ftp-data/s3-sync. Make sure you have started the Litmus Edge FTP server and created the necessary folders for the file path. See Set Up Source Directory to learn more.
  • Destination: Enter the remote S3 bucket name.
  • Transfer mode: Select a transfer mode: Copy or Move.
  • Run every: Configure the time interval for the sync job in minutes or hours.

Azure Blob Storage

  • Storage Account Key: Enter the access key. See the following resources to learn more.
  • Storage Account Name: Enter the storage account name.
  • Source: Enter the file path to the local directory. For example: /var/lib/customer/ftp-data/s3-sync. Make sure you have started the Litmus Edge FTP server and created the necessary folders for the file path. See Set Up Source Directory to learn more.
  • Destination: Enter the Azure Blob Storage container name.
  • Transfer mode: Select a transfer mode: Copy or Move.
  • Run every: Configure the time interval for the sync job in minutes or hours.

When done configuring the provider, click Save.

Once the job is created, you can enable or disable it. To manage the job, you must disable the job first.

Enable/Disable status for sync jobs
Enable/Disable status for sync jobs