Product Features
Manage Network Devices
Note: If you are on Litmus Edge version 3.5.6 or earlier, the Wi-Fi pane is a separate menu item Under System in the navigation panel. See Wi-Fi to learn more.
You can manage network devices by navigating to System > Network > Wi-Fi.
Litmus Edge Wi-Fi uses WPA for authentication to ensure a secure wireless network.
Note: The Wi-Fi tab only appears if the applicable device supports Wi-Fi.
Make sure you have configured the wlan0 network interface. See Configure Network Interfaces for more information.
To connect a device:
- Navigate to System > Network and click the Wi-Fi tab.
- Click Networks on the the network device tile, select a network from the drop-down list, and then click Join. You can enter the name of the network (SSID) into the Enter SSID field to quickly find a network. The Wireless Password dialog box appears.
- Enter a password for the wireless network in the Password field, and then click Connect.
The state on the device tile displays CONNECTED.
To disconnect a device, navigate to the Wi-Fi tab and click Disconnect.