Product Features



The System > Support pane is primarily used by Customer Support for troubleshooting purposes.

It includes the following sections.


This section shows the status and version of the underlying software components for Litmus Edge. A green circle by a component's name means that this component is online, and a red circle means that the component is offline.

The Components section
The Components section

Support Bundle

The support bundles are primarily used for diagnostic purposes. They should be attached as part of a support ticket when contacting customer support. Support bundles are then reviewed by customer support.

The files in the support bundle are password-protected.

Note: For Litmus Edge version 3.11.0 and later, you have the option to not include the config files in the support bundle. Select to include config files in the bundle for full diagnosis.

Support bundle section
Support bundle section

File Downloads

Allows you to download the DeviceHub Agent file and open source license bundles.

To download a file, click the Download icon.

Download icon
Download icon

You can view more information on a file by clicking the Expand icon.

Expand icon
Expand icon

Online Support