Added performance improvements for DeviceHub. With these improvements system consumes less CPU/RAM resources. Added Advanced Drivers Added support for TagName Aliasing Start/Stop individual driver communication Legacy drivers are suffixed with Gen 1 for identification
Deprecated BACnet Driver in image. It is still available on 2.x versions. Upcoming release of 3.x will have an advance BACnet driver with performance improvements. Special characters in device and TagName are converted to underscore in alias topic
Start/Stop/Delete multiple instances (up to 4) of flows User can add new flows with maximum allowed RAM Added support to download flows.json file Added support to upload custom node modules Added support to download the logs Upgraded with node-red backend (1.0.6) Included new nodes Included Access Subscribe and Access Publish which restricts direct access to message broker to improve security Access Publish and Subscribe can search through list of topics Flows are included as part of backup/restore and template Flows permission fixes for Admin and Observer Edge users
To show all topics allowed by Access API in Access Publish/Subscribe node, you need to start typing the name in the topic name field. Search will work after adding the Access API Token and saving the flows. Flows backup from previous system won't be restored automatically with 3.x, however a user can manually export the flows json configuration from 2.x flows and import it to 3.x flows
New and improved Integration Connectors Added support for CA signed certificate with Azure IoT hub Added connector for Oracle DB Integration connectors list with search functionality Added Access Connector Updated libraries for Kafka connectors Improvements for database connectors Integration Logs are available to user. This logging is disabled by default. User can click the CC card and enable the log to have it appear on the CC dashboard. Bug fixes and general UI enhancements
Enhancements to Analytics Ability to run TensorFlow and TensorFlow lite models natively Import and export ability for Analytics Live data debug support Tengo scripting engine to perform a variety of changes on metadata
Enhancements to Marketplace Additional registry login support (AWS, Azure, GCR) Catalog V2 added as a default catalog Improved UI and UX Improved application launch progress with providing more information to user through informative UI messages Marketplace permission fixes for Admin and Observer Edge users
Enhancements to OPC UA Server Added OPC UA Client Certificate Authentication Added update for easy import/export of OPC UA Server configuration OPUCA Server configurations are included with backup/template Various bug fixes and UI improvements
Device Management improvements WiFi and LTE support for EL300 Redesign Network page Redesign Services page Enhancements to Support page Enhancements to Edge events Improvements to Backup/Restore and Template
Improved DeviceHub Agent: Upgraded DeviceHub Agent It can be found in System > Support > File Downloads Default port is changed to 41250 Enhanced DeviceHub agent to allow sending csv files to Edge Added columns Type and Value into the tags table Amended CSV generation in accordance with FreeTag changes Shows the type number if the type is unknown Added statistic info section with total count of tags sent, server connection state, OPCDA connection state. Performance improvements UI improvements
General UI & UX Improvements Icons changed for Datahub, Analytics Improved on authorization access for developer and observer user permissions throughout web UI Manage identity certificates and CSRs from web UI Improved error handling and error messages Configurable column in Devicehub tag page Web UI Idle time out extended to 24 hrs Introduced progress bar to show cloud activation end point update progress Implemented select all/none functionality for browse tags window
Implemented CSRF protection. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they are currently authenticated. Implemented Self Signed Certificate generation upon adding a new device Users can manage identity certificates and CSRs from web UI System is accessible from browser by host name if their computer supports mDNS. This is a convenient feature if device uses DHCP for address allocation and the address may change time to time. The host name is static and it never changes.