Product Updates

Litmus Edge 3.2.5


Release Date: April 26, 2022

New Features



  • Support is now provided for Atlas Copco Torque Tool Ethernet Gen 1 driver.

Flows Manager:

  • The Warning status is shown when Flows Manager reaches the maximum restart threshold.

Enhancements and Improvements



  • Outbound MQTT cc topics now also offers NATS wildcard.

System :

  • Licensing Server Cache now has persistence across reboot with a duration of 8 hours.
  • Licensing cache are now digitally signed to prevent tampering.
  • System > Support page now is responsive to window size changes and more screen resolutions.

Resolved Issues



  • Modbus address range extended from original 0-9999 to 0-65535.
  • Modbus now offers device level offset to start from either 0 or 1.
  • Tag Limits associated with Licenses are now properly enforced in DeviceHub.
  • Bool-type tags associated with Siemens S7 devices now displays the correct value in Flows.
  • After tag name changes, tag alias topics also updates accordingly.
  • For Emerson ROC800 driver-attached tags, updating these tags in the Emerson ROC800 driver device details page may result in the tag's Type/Location/Parameter value from becoming empty. This has now been fixed.
  • When two generations (Gen-1 and Gen-2) of a device are connected concurrently, the metadata key in the payload .JSON file are present in both devices rather than only Gen-1.

Flows Manager:

  • Remotely accessed Litmus Edge will now correctly open Flow Definitions from Flows Manager (previously it wasn't loading at all).


  • TensorFlow Processors are now available again in the drop down menu. However it will be available only in TensorFlow-supported CPU.


  • After creating a GCR type registry, images from this registry can now be successfully pulled.


  • Pubsub connectors now hides Service Account key.
  • A Connector to InfluxDB and a device with a tag count greater than 0 previously collided with each other manifesting as the data not being stored, high CPU usage, and potential memory leaks. CPU consumption has been reduced and the data is now successfully stored.
  • Admin users can now remove FAILED default-ssl connectors.


  • Litmus Edge Manager-signaled software updates now updates Litmus Edge properly rather than Litmus Edge raising the error software update: exit status 1.
  • When restoring Litmus Edge using a Litmus Edge Manager-generated Litmus Edge backup, a 504 gateway timeout previously occasionally occurred. This error will no longer occur during restore.
  • When a Litmus Edge Manager(LEM) activates a Litmus Edge instance, using LEM's remote user interface to access Integration>Default SSL will no longer display the error Http failure during parsing.


  • Litmus Licensing Server connected to a Litmus Edge instance will now have a more reliable and smoother connection.

Deprecated Components and Features



  • Siemens ISO-on-TCP gen 2 no longer offers the Buffered tag type.
  • Roc Plus Ethernet (Gen1) driver is no longer offered.

Known Issues



  • Adding topics to a connector while it is CONNECTED may show an error. Workaround: Users can stop the connector before adding a new topic.
  • The Developer user cannot manage integration connectors.


  • Software update from dissolves all groups defined in the Analytics module.

Workaround : Users can Export groups in Analytics.

Memory leaks may occur when Litmus Edge receives more than 5 events per second.