Product Updates

Litmus Edge 3.3.1


Release Date: December 13, 2022

New Features



  • Support is now provided for the following drivers:
    • BACnet BacnetIP
    • Danfoss FC/TSC
    • Emerson DNP3 Ethernet
    • Emerson ROC800 Ethernet
    • IEC IEC60870-5-102 Ethernet (Gen1)
    • ODVA CIP Explicit (Gen1)
    • OPC UA Client Advanced
    • Profinet Acyclic
  • When you add a tag to a device, you can now enable the option to Only Publish on Change of Value. This option customizes NATS messages to be published only when the value parameter changes from a previous value to a new one. This only applies to numerical/string data values such as int, real, and float. It does not apply to JSON or arrays. Poll-once topics will not be affected by Change of Value settings. These topics will still only see a single message.

Digital Twins:

  • The Digital Twins feature is a virtual representation of industrial assets. It can combine physical asset data from different sources, so that you can use it for monitoring and maintenance activities such as insights, alerts, and feedback loop.


  • You can now set up a NATS Proxy connection, which allows data to be transferred between multiple Litmus Edge instances. You can also set up a connection between a Litmus Edge instance and an external developer application.


  • Role-based access control (RBAC) now allows you to customize roles, groups, and users for user management. You can customize individual modify/view permissions in Litmus Edge to roles and groups, which will then be assigned to respective users.

Enhancements and Improvements



  • When you add a tag to a device, you now have the option of adding meta data to the individual tag. Meta data summarizes basic information about data. This feature allows you to define key-value pair data for the device output payload later on. It can then be used to find, use, and reuse particular instances of data.
  • The Tag Formula parameter is now available for tags. Two variables are permitted: value (current tag value) and timestamp (current tag UNIX time in milliseconds). The following math functions are available:
    • sin
    • cos
    • sqrt
    • tan
    • power
    • log
    • exp


  • The following enhancements/improvements have been made in Litmus Edge Manager to the Marketplace feature:
    • Ability to copy/paste and edit original compose files. You can also convert compose files into advanced config after publishing.
    • Ability to specify the network mode (none, host, bridge) for a specific Marketplace component and launch it.
    • Ability to create components using an advanced workflow. You can set separate hosts, networks, and container configurations.


  • The MQTT connector now has an option for Persistent storage.
  • The MQTT connector now has option to define the QoS parameter at the topic level.

Resolved Issues



  • The Mitsubishi QJ71E71 driver no longer shows CONNECTED when an incorrect Station ID parameter is entered. The status will now correctly show DISCONNECTED if the Station ID parameter is incorrect.
  • The M register in tags now displays all supported data types.
  • The Generator driver now displays messages for Poll-Once topics in tags if a special character is used in the tag name.
  • When you add a tag to the Siemens S7 driver, you can now configure a DB number greater than 255, up to a maximum of 65,535.

Flows Manager:

  • Fixed issue with flows not opening in a new window when you remotely access Litmus Edge from Litmus Edge Manager.


  • Several issues and improvements have been made to the MQTT connector.


  • System events now correctly tag the driver name and device name.

Deprecated Components and Features



  • The following Gen 2 drivers are no longer offered:
    • Mitsubishi FX3G-Binary Ethernet
    • Mitsubishi Q-Ascii
    • Mitsubishi Q-Binary
    • Panasonic Mewtocol Ethernet
    • Siemens S7-200 Ethernet
    • Siemens S7Sinumerik Ethernet
  • Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) features are no longer offered.


  • The Access connector and Google IoT Core connector are no longer offered.


  • Graphs from Marketplace Apps are no longer offered.

Known Issues



  • When you toggle a network to ON in Device Discovery, the WiFi icon may not display.
  • When you add a tag to the Siemens S7 driver, you aren't allowed to configure a DB number greater than 255. The maximum number should be 65,535.


  • When the following tasks fail, error messages don't provide enough information to troubleshoot the issues.
    • Template deployments
    • Remote access
    • Apply Marketplace templates
  • Software upgrade is not supported on VirtualBox 6.1.x; upgrade attempt may result in a corrupted, unrecoverable appliance.
  • If the device name is the same as the one that appears in the template, the template upload fails for the devices with the same configuration.
    • Workaround: Edit the device name in the template file, so that it doesn't match the one in the template.


  • The UI incorrectly reflects the time series database size.