Wi-Fi section has moved to System > Network as a new tab. A new Client Status section in System > Network > DNS / NTP Servers displays information on the status and time synchronization of the NTP Client. The UA Server performance is now enhanced by moving to the Unified Automation Stack. you activate Litmus Edge through Litmus Edge Manager, a validation is now available to ensure the connection is valid. can download an event history in a CSV file by navigating to System > Events > Events History. can retrieve topics for events by navigating to System > Events. When upgrading Litmus Edge by uploading or downloading the upgrade file, you will now need to download a backup of your Litmus Edge before proceeding with the upgrade. When downloading a support bundle, you now have the option to download config and log details, or only download log details. When importing a template and one component fails to be imported, the import process doesn't stop. The failed component is skipped and the template process continues. When a license activation fails, the error messages now provide more relevant information on the cause of the error. The Enable Data Store setting for DeviceHub devices is now saved in template files. The grace period to allow a disconnection from the license server is now increased from 8 hours to 24 hours.
enhancements have been made to the Server Search feature. can now search for tags in all devices from DeviceHub > Tags. If there is a system reboot, the status of devices is maintained. For example, if a device is stopped and Litmus Edge is rebooted, the device will remain stopped when Litmus Edge restarts. you click a device tile and then click the Tags tab, you can now manage the list of tags for the device. New data types are now available for Omron NJ Ethernet (Gen1) and Keyence Nano Ethernet (Gen1). The following options are now available when connecting a device. The Browse Tags feature is now available for the Beckhoff TwinCAT3 Ethernet(Gen1) driver.
The of Flows Managers you can create is now increased from 4 to 16. The size of logs for flows is now 80 MB, rotated between two log files of 40 MB each.
The Pub/Sub connector has the following enhancements: You can define custom attributes. You can upload the value for the Service Account Key field. The client email parameter is now available
You now have the option of uploading a CSV file of topics for connectors. You can now download the topics for a connector. You can now clear logs for connectors. Connectors that have certificate variables now allow you to upload certificate files. The inbound option for topics has been removed from connectors that only support outbound topics.
You can now do the following: Define the network interface to expose the OPC UA server from. Re-initialize the server when any changes are made to the server configuration. Place items under the root or at the parent level. Create a custom hierarchy with folders, devices, and tags. Reset the hierarchy with the following options: All, Manually Created Only, Imported Only. Pass any NATS topic as a message as long as it follows the standard DeviceHub structure.
The OPC UA server now does the following: A new OPC UA server Node ID field is now available. The following new policies are now available: Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep
In the event of system reboot, the output payload provides the last known attribute timestamps and values for instances. The following data types are now supported for dynamic attributes: JSON Number String Boolean Array
Models and instances are now tagged with version numbers based on changes made. You now have the option to rename nodes and items in hierarchies. You have the option of importing and exporting static attributes, dynamic attributes, and hierarchies in model and instance configurations. The fields for uploading CSV files have been updated. Models and instances are now saved by new Save Model and Save Instance buttons.