Product Updates

Litmus Edge 3.3.2


Release Date: February 9, 2023

Enhancements and Improvements


Digital Twins:

  • You now have the option of selecting Flatten Hierarchy when creating/editing an instance.

Resolved Issues



  • Fixed the following issues with the OPC UA Advanced driver:
    • Registers that were added from browsing not being in service.
    • Poll-once not working properly in Subscription mode.
    • Cannot browse Ignition server tags
  • Fixed issue with the DNP3 Ethernet driver not reading tag values with the float(32) data type.
  • Stats data is now included for Devices in JSON Template files.
  • Fixed issue with Metadata incorrectly displaying after unchecking the Metadata option in a Device configuration. When you edit a Device and uncheck Metadata, the data is now reset.
  • Fixed the following issues after upgrading:
    • Devices and Tags not working.
    • Data from tsdata not being stored.
  • When you add a tag to the Siemens S7 driver, you can now configure a DB number greater than 255, up to a maximum of 65,535.


  • Fixed issue with the same key and attribute names being created and data not being captured. If multiple attributes with the same name/key are created, you can now see the value of one of them in the results.


  • Fixed issue with Device Certificates not resetting properly.
  • Fixed issue with users not being able to download the DeviceHub Agent file and open source files.

Known Issues



  • If you use the Browse Tags function and try to add a duplicate tag, an error will be generated. Duplicate tags should be skipped when adding tags through Browse tags.
  • If a read-only tag is created for the Modbus TCP driver and a Flow is created to write data to that tag, the "WriteRegisters" API may be called. The "WriteRegisters" API shouldn't be called to read-only tags.
  • Tags can't be added to the OPC UA DeviceHub Agent driver.
  • If you add a mount point in Litmus Edge and then add a device with the Euromap63 driver, "success=false" messages may be generated. 
  • The AB CompactLogix Ethernet Free Tag driver can't poll data up to 10 ms.
  • When you toggle a network to ON in Device Discovery, the WiFi icon may not display. 


  • Litmus Edge doesn't notify users if an activation request is rejected by Litmus Edge Manager.
  • You are able to delete roles in System > Users if it has associated groups.
  • Users can delete the System API key, which should be read-only.
  • When using VirtualBox, a "Login incorrect" message may display on the Terminal User Interface during startup.
  • If an activation with Litmus Edge Manager using a certificate signed by an unknown authority fails, attempting another activation will automatically fail.
  • The Backup/Restore feature may create a 3-byte file, which causes an error and disables auto-backup.
  • Software upgrade is not supported on VirtualBox 6.1.x; upgrade attempt may result in a corrupted, unrecoverable appliance.
  • Litmus Edge docker images don't currently come with a trial license, so CA certificates can't be uploaded. 
    • Workaround: You can install CA Certificates through Litmus Edge Manager, and Litmus Edge will pick them up. 
  • If the device name is the same as the one that appears in the template, the template upload fails for the devices with the same configuration. 
    • Workaround: Edit the device name in the template file, so that it doesn't match the one in the system.

Deprecated Components and Features



  • The Mitsubishi QJ71E71 (Gen1) driver is no longer offered.