Terminal User Interface (TUI): A user with the “Viewer” permission is able to access the Terminal User Interface and access all options. No error message displays if a user leaves the username or password field blank and clicks Apply. You may be kicked out of the TUI screen unexpectedly. You can’t add add a site license or add-on license through the TUI. You can’t successfully use the activation and deactivation function in the TUI. When the initial reboot sequence starts, you may be able to access the main menu and make changes before the reboot initialization finishes and the reboot occurs. Some fields, such as Cloud Activation URL and Docker Subnet, accept blank entries before submitting. When attempting Cloud Activation, there is no option to cancel the request or wait for a timeout. The Managed Services section may not display any options. If an admin user cancels the end-user license agreement (EULA) and logs in again to the TUI, they are still able to access all TUI options and make changes. When using VirtualBox, a "Login incorrect" message may display on the TUI during .
You not be able to add a Mount Point successfully in System > External Storage. The and Down options may not work in System > LDAP/AD Auth. When from Litmus Edge Manager with a node-locked license, the activation may complete successfully but an error message may display and the license may not migrate successfully. Litmus Edge should not be able to apply templates to Litmus Edge devices activated with a trial license. you select a time zone in System > Network > Configure, the selection in the drop-down list may display [object Object]. When you try to with an invalid license key, no error message displays. activating Litmus Edge with Litmus Edge Manager, you may have to manually refresh the browser window to see the activated license. The Docker of Litmus Edge may not list events for DeviceHub, Connectors, and Flows. The same license on different servers may display a different expiry date on each server. A new XML file is every time the OPC UA hierarchy is updated. Large files may not be successfully. When a template, the error message "License sync exceeded" may incorrectly display. may occur when trying to generate support bundles. When you click Policy in System > Policy Management, any values entered should reset. Basic for an API Key created in System > Tokens may not work for the Docker version of Litmus Edge.
doesn’t work when the DriverName parameter is used. You can’t the retention hours of a DeviceHub device with a value of 0. Multiple data values are able to be added while only the first one is saved. When more 11 DeviceHub devices are added, some of the devices may get stuck in “Polling” status. Only Publish on Change of Value is selected for a tag, you subscribe to the poll-once topic of the tag in the Flows Manager, and use the inject node, only the first value will display in the debug window. Tag aren’t saved in downloaded CSV files for tags that generate JSON objects. logs may contain invalid characters. devices may not get detected on HPE EL300. If you DeviceHub devices and reboot Litmus Edge, the devices may re-connect. for Gen 2 drivers are not published correctly. an LZ register for the Mitsubishi FX5U Ethernet (Gen1) driver may cause errors. The for the AB PLC5 Ethernet (Gen1) driver is incorrect. The AB Ethernet FreeTag (Gen2) driver contains a spare word in write requests. using Browse Tags for the OPC UA Client Advanced driver, the Select all function may not work. the Siemens S7-Advanced (Gen1) driver is disconnected, the memory of the process increases over time until it is stopped by oom_killer. The UA Client Advanced driver may not be able to connect to some OPC UA servers. When the OPC UA Client Advanced driver is in Subscribe mode, the published timestamp value is the client gets data from the OPC UA server, rather than the tag's sourceTimestamp value. When you use Discovery for the BacnetIP driver and enter the eth0 broadcast address, BASpi devices won't display in the list of discovered devices.
you run a Docker command in Applications > Containers, an error message may display even though the application is created. After several Marketplace applications and then trying to download the template, an error may occur. When the InfluxDB application, the application may fail with no error message on the cause of the failure.
If you flows to the Analytics canvas, add the Database Batch Input processor, connect an external DataHub database in DataHub, and then refresh the page, an error may occur. The of the Tengo Script processor dialog should be indented correctly. The option on the Analytics canvas may not work successfully. An error may for the Change of Value node even after resetting Litmus Edge. An message may display after connecting a Statistical Prediction node to a Moving Average node.
custom topics for instances through API should not be allowed. The order of model may not save properly. and Poll-once topics should not be listed as options for dynamic attributes.