QuickStart Guide
Industrial Systems Connection ...

Excel (Gen1)


You can set up the Excel driver to read values in an Excel file.

Before You Begin

Make sure you do the following:

Set Up Excel Driver

Setting up the Excel driver includes the following tasks:

  • Step 1: Set Up FTP Client
  • Step 2: Add Excel Driver
  • Step 3: Add a Tag For a Single Cell in Excel
  • Step 4: Add a Tag for Range of Cells in Excel
  • Step 5: Create Flow for Single Cell in Excel
  • Step 6: Create Flow for Range of Cells in Excel

Step 1: Set Up FTP Client

To set up the FTP client:

  1. Open the WinSCP FTP client. The FTP Login dialog box appears.

    FTP Login dialog box
    FTP Login dialog box
  2. For File Protocol, select FTP.
  3. Configure the following parameters.
    • Host name: Enter the Litmus Edge URL.
    • User name: Enter the FTP username you created when you Added an FTP User.
    • Password: Paste the password you copied when you Added an FTP User.
  4. Click Login. The WinSCP window appears.
  5. Open the DeviceHub folder in the right pane.
  6. From the left pane, drag the Excel file to the open DeviceHub folder. The Excel file uploads to the folder.

Step 2: Add Excel Driver

To add the Excel driver:

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to DeviceHub > Devices.
  2. Click the Connect a Device box. The Connect Device dialog box appears.

    Connect a Device box
    Connect a Device box
  3. In the Device Type drop-down list, select Excel.
  4. In the Driver Name drop-down list, select Excel (Gen1).
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the device.
  6. In the Path field, enter the path for the Excel file that you just previously uploaded.
  7. Click Add Device. The Excel device appears in the Devices pane.

Step 3: Add a Tag For a Single Cell in Excel

The Excel device is disconnected until you add a tag.

To add a tag for single cell:

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to DeviceHub > Tags.
  2. Click the Excel device.
  3. Click the Add icon and select Add a Tag.

    Add a Tag option
    Add a Tag option
  4. Configure the following parameters.
    • Name: Select R.
    • Value Type: Select single.
    • Polling Interval: Enter a value.
    • Tag Name: Enter a tag name.
    • Start Cell: Enter a value. For example, A1.
    • End Cell: To configure the tag for only one cell, enter the same value as the Start Cell.
    • Sheet: Enter the Excel file sheet name from which the cell data is used. The sheet name must be exactly the same as the sheet name in the Excel file.
  5. Click Add Tag. The tag is added to the tags pane.
  6. Click the Copy icon for the tag in the RAW Topic column.

Step 4: Add a Tag for Range of Cells in Excel

To add a tag for a range of cells:

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to DeviceHub > Tags.
  2. Select the Excel device.
  3. Click the Add icon and select Add a Tag.

    Add a Tag option
    Add a Tag option
  4. Configure the following parameters.
    • Name: Select R.
    • Value Type: Select range.
    • Polling Interval: Enter a value.
    • Tag Name: Enter a tag name.
    • Start Cell: Enter the starting cell to read data.
    • End Cell: Enter the ending cell to read data.
    • Sheet: Enter the Excel file sheet name from which the cell data is used. The sheet name must be exactly the same as the sheet name in the Excel file.
  5. Click Add Tag. The tag is added to the tags pane.
  6. Click the Copy icon for the tag in the RAW Topic column.

Step 5: Create Flow

To create a flow:

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to the Flows Manager and create a new flow. See Create a Flow to learn more.
  2. Drag the DataHub Subscribe and Debug nodes to the canvas and wire them together.
  3. Double-click the DataHub Subscribe node
  4. In the Topic field, paste the RAW Topic value from either "Step 3: Add a Tag For a Single Cell in Excel" or "Step 4: Add a Tag for Range of Cells in Excel".
  5. If needed, configure the Datahub Subscribe connection. See the "Step 3: Configure Connector Nodes" section in Create a Flow to learn more.
  6. Click Deploy.
  7. Click the Debug icon. See the "Additional Options" section in Manage the Flow Canvas to learn more.
  8. Review the debug messages and confirm they correspond to the values in the Excel file.