QuickStart Guide
Installation and Deployments

Kubernetes Installation


You can use Kubernetes to install Litmus Edge. 

Before you begin

  • Get access to a configured Kubernetes cluster.
  • Get access to PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). Learn more about Persistent Volumes from the Kubernetes documentation.
  • Get administrative permissions to run the kubectl command-line tool.
  • Contact your Litmus account representative to get access to the service account .json file.
  • Depending on the specific requirements of your environment, you may need to get access to a storage class. Learn more about Storage Classes from the Kubernetes documentation.

To use Kubernetes to install Litmus Edge, you will need to do the following:

  • Step 1: Launch a Litmus Edge Kubernetes
  • Step 2: Log in to Litmus Edge

Step 1: Launch a Litmus Edge Kubernetes

To launch a Litmus Edge Kubernetes:

1. Download the service account .json file, which you can get from your Litmus account representative. 2. Open a Command Prompt Terminal (CTRL+R). 3. Execute the following Linux commands to setup credentials for a Kubernetes namespace.


The command creates a namespace named le-prod.


Important: If you encounter an error as shown in the screenshot below when using Windows PowerShell, make sure to follow these steps:

  • The namespace has been created
  • There are no spaces in the command
  • Replace the double quotes with single quotes
Document image

Refer to the command parameters:

  • kubectl create secret sets a Secret for use with a Docker registry.
  • --namespace le-prod sets up a Kubernetes namespace of le-prod.
  • docker-registry litmus-credential sets up Secret name as litmus-credential. This should not be changed.
  • --docker-server=us-docker.pkg.dev sets the Docker registry server as us-docker.pkg.dev. This should not be changed.
  • --docker-username=_json_key sets the Docker registry username to connect to the server above. This should not be changed.
  • --docker-password="$(cat ~/<file_name>.json)" retrieves the password within the service account file requested from step 1.

Note: le-prod should be changed to an isolated namespace to suit deployment best.

4. Copy or download the following Litmus Edge deployment file.


5. Execute the following command to deploy a Litmus Edge Kubernetes cluster using the deployment file from Step 4.


Refer to the command parameters:

  • -f litmusedge-deployment.yaml uses the file litmusedge-deployment.yaml for deployment. This should not be changed.
  • --namespace le-prod sets le-prod to be the deployment that Kubernetes will use.

Special and Additional Considerations:

  • Litmus Edge can function in both single and multi Kubernetes node clusters, and can support various networking modes. Your Kubernetes admin has the responsibility to configure proper networking.​​
  • Adjust CPU/RAM/Storage for the Kubernetes cluster as needed. Storage should be set to at least 10GB. Scale additional computing resources when using Litmus Edge features that require high-computing power, such as PLC drivers, integrations, and Flows.
  • Consult Kubernetes official documentation for best practices.
  • Ensure credentials are stored properly with Kubernetes management​.
  • NET_ADMIN permissions are required​.

Step 2: Log in to Litmus Edge

Note: To identify the port configured by the admin, use the following command: kubectl get svc -n le-prod