
Site and Node-Locked License Overview for Litmus Edge


For a Litmus Edge instance to be able to fully access and use all features, it must carry a license. This license can be a site license or a node-locked license.

For information about Litmus Edge Manager licenses, see Site and Node-Locked License Overview for Litmus Edge Manager.

Understanding and Adding a Site License for Litmus Edge

For a Litmus Edge to carry a site license, you will need a connection with a license server. The Litmus Edge can connect to Litmus Edge Manager (which contains an embedded license server that the Litmus Edge will automatically connect to) or a standalone license server. See License Server Installation for details.

The license server contains Litmus Edge site licenses. While a connection between a Litmus Edge and a license server (whether standalone or within a Litmus Edge Manager) is established, the license server will continue to provide a site license to a Litmus Edge instance. If the connection between the Litmus Edge and the license server is lost, the Litmus Edge instance will lose its license as well.

A site license, depending on its constituent features, may act both as a Litmus Edge site license and also a Litmus Edge Manager site license.

To retrieve a site license from a license server for Litmus Edge, see Set a License Server.

Litmus Edge Manager License Server for Litmus Edge

The Litmus Edge Manager License Server provides site licenses to Litmus Edge instances. This server can also provide the Litmus Edge Manager with its own site license. See License Server Management for more information on how to customize the site licenses that Litmus Edge instances will receive from Litmus Edge Manager.

Understanding and Adding a Node-Locked License for Litmus Edge

For a Litmus Edge to carry a node-locked license, you will need a license key. The key will be a 16-digit code (####-####-####-####) that is valid for certain number of years, based on the license SKU definition. The node-locked license key can be requested from Litmus account executives.

To access the Litmus Edge system, a core license must be present in Litmus Edge. You can expand the features available to you by adding appropriate node-locked licenses.

Important: Each node-locked license key is bound to a Litmus Edge MAC address. If the MAC address is changed, the license key will be invalidated.

A Litmus Edge node-locked license key cannot be used as a Litmus Edge Manager node-locked license key.

To add a node-locked license for Litmus Edge, see one of the following:

Litmus Edge Site Licenses and Node-Locked Licenses Compared

Site License


Requires a continuous connection to a license server or a Litmus Edge Manager to activate and use the license.

Online activation requires Litmus Edge to briefly access the internet to activate the license. After activation, no internet access for Litmus Edge is needed to retain and use the license.

Offline activation doesn't require Litmus Edge to have an internet connection to use the license. However, you will need access to the internet (for example, on a different web browser window) during activation to retrieve the license. 

Activated through a license server and can be shared across multiple Litmus Edge instances.

The site license SKU defines the features that are available in each activated Litmus Edge.

Depending on the specific details of your license, a node-locked license can be added to multiple Litmus Edge instances.

The license is registered to every Litmus Edge instance it is activated with.

The node-locked license SKU defines the features that are available in Litmus Edge.

Can be upgraded with additional features/capabilities.

Can be upgraded with additional features/capabilities.