How-To Guides
Applications Guides

Set Up the Influx Client for InfluxQL Queries


You can set up the Influx client to execute influxQL queries.

Before You Begin

Make sure you do the following:

Step 1: Deploy Influx Container

You will need to deploy the Influx container in Litmus Edge and specify the version you want to deploy.

To deploy the Influx container:

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to Applications > Containers. The Containers pane appears.
  2. Click Run. The Enter command to run field appears.

    The Run button
    The Run button
  3. Enter the following command. Replace [your influxdb version] with the correct InfluxDB version (for example, influxdb:2.0).

The named container appears in the Containers pane and displays a running state. The container runs locally.

Step 2: Provide Database User Access to Influx Database

To provide the database user your created access to the Influx database, refer to the following resources and review the appropriate InfluxDB version:

Step 3: Enter and Execute InfluxQL Queries

After completing step 2, you can enter and execute InfluxQL Queries.

Refer to InfluxData Documentation to learn more.