Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization
You can use the Manufacture Counter KPI processor to count the total number of manufactured units in a period.
- Use Total Units manufactured if you need a simple count of the total number of units manufactured in a period.
- Use Capacity Utilization if you want to monitor how much output is being produced compared to an ideal scenario.
- The timer interval parameter is useful if the connected input tag is offline but you still want this KPI to look for a value every few seconds, defined by the timer.
- You should have an input connected with this KPI with the definition on its connection as manufactureEnd. For example, if you define Manufacture From Value: 0 and Manufacture To Value: 1, this means that when the value from the input tag, with the definition on the connection as manufactureEnd, goes from 0 to 1, it is an indication that a unit was manufactured.
- After creating this KPI, you need to add a definition called manufactureEnd to the connecting wire, which is an event trigger, triggering whenever there is end of a manufacturing cycle.
Parameters | Details |
Device Reset | This parameter resets the KPI when the connected device is reset. |
Unit | Enter the unit of time (e.g., minute, hour, day, week) for which you are entering the ideal count. |
Ideal Count | Define the ideal count of manufactured units per chosen unit of time (e.g., per hour, day, week). |
From Value | Enter the value that indicates the end of a manufacturing cycle. |
To Value | Enter the value that indicates the end of a manufacturing cycle. |
Timer Interval | Timer in milliseconds. If no event, use this timer to keep displaying the output continually. Enter zero to disable. |
Note: When creating an analytics flow with Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization KPI, refer the Use the Manufacture Counter KPI guide for more details.