Product Features
External Storage
Mount External Storage
You can mount and view the details for the external storage you set up in Litmus Edge using CIFS (Common Internet File System) or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) by navigating to System > External Storage.
- You have the option to use multi-level folder paths when mounting external storage.
- The status of mounted storage is monitored. If the external storage is down, then the storage is automatically unmounted. The storage is automatically mounted when the storage reconnects.
To mount external storage:
- Navigate to System > External Storage.
Click Add new mount point. The Create Mountpoint dialog box appears.
- Enter the details for the mount point.
- Mount Point Name: Enter a name for the mount point. The system automatically creates the folder in /data/ on the Litmus Edge device.
- Type: Select CIFS or FTP.
- Share: Enter the shared folder name. Enter the URI of your remote storage location (//<Host_IP_Address or hostname>/<Shared_Folder_Name>). To find your systems IP address, type cmd into the Windows search bar. Type ipconfig into the window and use the IPv4 address for your Ethernet or wireless adapter.
- Read Only: Uncheck the Read Only check box. If you select this check box, writing to the network storage is disabled.
- Mount on Boot (Optional): If you check the Mount on Boot check box, the remote storage is mounted whenever you boot the Litmus Edge device.
- Username: Enter the user name for the network location (the Windows username or the Linux Samba username you created previously).
- Password: Enter the password for the network location (the password for the Windows username or the Linux Samba username you created previously). All special characters except comma(,) may be used for the password.
- Domain: If you select CIFS, you have the option to enter a domain name. This information is not necessary to connect in most cases. It is the name of the machine where the network folder resides. Type hostname in the Windows command line or Linux terminal to view this information.
- When done configuring the external storage, click Create.
- Click the Action menu for the new mount point and select Mount.