QuickStart Guide
Industrial Systems Connection ...
Lumberg Automation



Review the following information for setting up and configuring the LioN-X driver.

Litmus Edge Compatible Series

Compatibility parameter

Compatible items

Driver type


Validated devices/series

When configuring tags for this driver, you must enter the case-sensitive register name exactly as it is defined in the PLC. See Step 3: Configure the List of Registers below to learn more.

Step 1: Set up and Configure the Driver

To find the network parameters of the driver, you have the option of using the Device Discovery Tool. Otherwise, set up the device for Ethernet access and collect the network parameters.

To use the device discovery tool:

  1. Navigate to DeviceHub > Devices.
  2. Click the Connect a Device box. The Connect Device dialog box appears.

    Connect a Device box
    Connect a Device box
  3. Click the Device Type drop-down list and select Lumberg Automation.
  4. Click the Driver Name drop-down list, and select LioN-X.
  5. Click Device Discovery.

    The Device Discovery dialog box appears.

    Device Discovery option
    Device Discovery option
  6. Select only one of the following fields to use for discovering the device.
    • Discovery Server URL (Servers and Endpoints Discovery): No prior setup/configuration is needed to use this field. Replace localhost with the appropriate IP address or domain name that will be used to search for the device. Ensure the correct port number is entered.
    • Server URL (Endpoints Discovery): You'll need to enable/configure the server to use this field. Replace localhost with the appropriate IP address or domain name that will be used to search for the device. Ensure the correct port number is entered.
  7. Delete all text from the field not being used.
  8. Click Start discovery. When the search is complete, available servers with corresponding security policies will be listed.
  9. Click the appropriate server/security policy, and then click Update form with discovery results. The Connect Device dialog box appears with Server URL, Security Policy, and Security Mode pre-filled based on the discovery results.
  10. In the Driver Mode field, select either Polling or Subscription.
  11. Move onto Step 2 and continue configuring the driver with the remaining parameters.

Step 2: Set up the Driver in Litmus Edge DeviceHub




Lumberg Automation



Driver Mode

Select Polling or Subscription

Server URL


Security Policy

Select one of the following:

  • Aes128Sha256RsaOaep
  • Aes256Sha256RsaPss
  • Basic128Rsa15
  • Basic256
  • Basic256Sha256
  • None

Security Mode

Select None, Sign, or SignAndEncrypt

Session Certificate


Session Private Key


Auth Mode

Select Anonymous, Certificate, or Username

Disable Error Certificate Host Name Invalid

Select true or false

Flag used to disable the check if the hostname the client connected to matches one of the hostnames or IP addresses in the server certificate.

Disable Application Uri Check

Select true or false

Flag used to disable the certificate ApplicationUri match check.

Default Root


Start node to browse the server

Step 3: Configure the List of Registers

Browse for tags to add to this FreeTag device. See Browse Tags to learn more.

Alternatively, when you Add Tags, for Name map the LioN-X server tags to the client using this format, where the semicolon is significant: ns=1;s=tagname.

Example: ns=2;s=Demo.Static.Scalar.Boolean

The following value types are supported:

  • bool
  • sbyte
  • byte
  • int16
  • uint16
  • int32
  • uint32
  • int64
  • uint64
  • float32
  • float64
  • string
  • BLOB
  • bool[]
  • sbyte[]
  • byte[]
  • int16[]
  • uint16[]
  • int32[]
  • uint32[]
  • int64[]
  • uint64[]
  • float32[]
  • float64[]
  • string[]
  • BLOB[]