How-To Guides
DeviceHub Guides

Use the OPCUA Client Advanced for OPCUA Alarm & Events


You can use the OPCUA Client Advanced driver in Litmus Edge to browse, integrate, and manage OPCUA Alarms & Events (A&E).

These events are imported as tags within your device configuration and can be customized to include specific event properties. This includes attributes such as EventType, Message, Severity, ReceiveTime, EventId, SourceName, SourceNode, and more.

Before You Start

Make sure you meet the following prerequisites before configuring your device:

  • A stable network connection between your Litmus Edge device and the OPCUA server to send alarms and events data.
  • Your OPCUA login details, including authentication tokens or certificates.

Use the OPCUA Client Advanced for OPCUA Alarm & Events

Follow the steps below to add an OPC UA Client Advanced device, browse event tags, and view the event data using the Analytics DataHub Subscribe function node.

Step 1: Add OPCUA Client Advanced Device to DeviceHub

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to DeviceHub > Devices.
  2. Click the Connect a Device box. The Connect Device dialog box appears.

    Connect a Device box
    Connect a Device box
  3. In the Driver Name drop-down list, select OPCUA > OPC UA Client Advanced.
  4. Configure the parameters for the device. See Connect a Device and OPC UA or OPC UA Client Advanced to learn more.

Step 2: Set Up the OPCUA Client Advanced Browse Tags

  1. In DeviceHub, click on the OPCUA Client Advanced device you just added.
  2. Navigate to Tags section and click the Add Tag (+) icon.
    • Select Browse Tags to open the Browse Parameters dialog box.

      Tags section
      Tags section
  3. Choose between two options for Browse Mode:
    • Data Access: For accessing real-time data variables.
    • Events: To monitor alarms and conditions. For this guide, select Events.
    • Click Apply parameters to open the OPCUA server’s tag tree for exploration.

      Browse Parameters dialog box
      Browse Parameters dialog box
  4. Expand the tag tree to find the events you want to track (e.g., Alarms & Conditions).
  5. Select the desired alarms/events from the tree structure and click Add to include them as tags.

    Document image

Note: When an OPCUA A&E is added as a tag in Litmus Edge, a standard set of event properties is added by default in the tag configuration. These properties are defined by the OPCUA A&E specification. They will be included in the tag's payload.

As alarms and events can be custom, you can modify these properties as needed. See Manage Tags for more details.

Edit Tag Dialog Box
Edit Tag Dialog Box

Step 3: Enable the Connector

After adding the connector, click the Start icon in the connector tile to enable it.

OPCUA Client Advanced  connector tile
OPCUA Client Advanced connector tile

If you see a Failed status, you can review the Connector Logs and relevant error messages.

Step 4: Copy the Raw Topic

  1. Click the OPCUA Client Advanced connector tile.
  2. Navigate to Tags section and click the OPCUA device in the side menu.

    Tags section
    Tags section
  3. Find the Raw Topic field in the tag details and click the Copy button to copy the topic.

    Tags section
    Tags section
  4. Save this topic somewhere safe. You'll need it to configure the Analytics node later.

Step 5: Use Analytics to Verify the Data Transfer

  1. In Litmus Edge, navigate to Analytics.
  2. On the analytics canvas, click Add processor. The Create a processor dialog box displays.

    The Add processor option
    The Add processor option
  3. Select DataHub Subscribe.
  4. In the Topic field, paste the Raw Topic you copied earlier from Step 4.

    Create a Processor dialog box
    Create a Processor dialog box
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the analytics canvas, click Save. The configured analytics flows should look like the following:

    Completed Flows Canvas
    Completed Flows Canvas
  7. Click the View icon in the DataHub Subscribe processor to view the event data.
Document image

Monitor the real-time event data published to the Litmus Edge message broker, which includes key-value fields such as EventId, EventType, Message, ReceiveTime, and Severity.