Litmus Production Record Data ...
Creating a data model using th...

1. Setting up the SQL Server Configuration


The Configuration sheet is used to manage the connection to the SQL Server where the database LE_ProductionRecord has been installed.

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Configuring this sheet is only required, if no PROREC Database Server is defined. Or if a different SQL server is to be used.

Otherwise the user is able to go straight to the sheet NodeOptions.

Managing SQL Server Password save state

Users are able to select if the password for the SQL Authentication user used to connect to the SQL Server is stored or or provided every time a SQL call is executed. By default this is set to the value No.

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This setting will impact the Save Password option found in the Definition tab of the Connection Properties used by MS Excel for ODBC connections.

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If the option is set to the value Yes, the password will be stored after the user has provided it after being prompted the next time by the configurator.

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Managing the Database Name (Optional)

By default, the database name for the Litmus Production Record Database on the SQL Serve LE_ProductionRecord.

In the rare case, that a user has deployed the database with a different name, the user can change the database name to which to connect.

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Managing the PROREC Database Server IP Address

To be able to upload the data model hierarchy to the SQL Server or download an existing data model into the configurator for modifications, the IP address of the SQL Server has to be

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After providing the IP address, the application will verify the connection to the SQL Server. This will open a prompt to request the Login ID (user name) and Password. As MS Excel requires a value for the Login ID. the default is set to sa, which is a SQL standard.

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The user will have to provide a SQL Authenticated Login (not a windows user) user for the Login ID and the password which can connect to the database LE_ProductionRecord. The user and password is typically provided by the department tasked with maintaining the SQL Server.

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Press the OK button.

Note: if the Configurator has been set to store the password, the password entered is now stored by MS Excel.

If the connection is successful, the prompt will close automatically.

In case the SQL Server is not reachable or database doesn't exist, a message is displayed.

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Press the OK button.

Now close the prompt either through the Cancel button or the X symbol.

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The Configurator will show a warning message.

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Which can be closed using the OK button.

Managing Online or Offline Mode

In case the user does know, that they have no connection to SQL server or that the database is not yet setup on the SQL Server, they can set the Configurator into Offline Mode.

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This will stop all attempts of the Configurator to communication with the SQL server and instead of publishing the data model hierarchy, the user will be prompted to store the output as SQL file.

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This file can later be executed using applications such as SQL Management Studio.