
CVE Advisory Report



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Setup on DeviceHub

  1. Login in to your LitmusEdge, Navigate to DeviceHub -> Devices
    1. Add a device if not already added
    2. Configure the Device as needed/required and Enable Meta Tags
  2. Make sure Meta Tags of the device to be "detected" by the app, include the currently supported keywords
    1. "name", "version", "firmware_version" need to be present in the Meta Tag keys, for the application to detect the device for CVE search
    2. Upper/lower case values wouldn't affect the CVE search

Running the application using the downloaded Tar File

  1. After Checkout, a tar.gz file is expected to be downloaded
  2. Log in to your LitmusEdge, Navigate to Applications -> Images
  3. Click on Upload Image and upload the tar file there
  4. Once uploaded successfully, Navigate to System -> Tokens
    1. Either use an already created Rest API key, or
    2. Create Rest API token and keep it handy
  5. Navigate back to Applications -> Containers and enter the following command there:
    1. docker run -p 3001:3001 -e "API_TOKEN=<token>" <imgName>:<tagName>
    2. Here we are asking the container to run on port 3001, with API token passed as an environment variable, and using imgName and tagName respectively
    3. Use the API token as created from previous step
  6. Access the application by going to a new tab in browser, and writing current LE IP address, followed by :3001
    1. for example if the application is running on an LE with IP address