Litmus Production Record Datab...

Installation Guide Litmus Production Record Database


How to deploy Litmus Production Record Database

This section will provide instructions on how to deploy Litmus Production Record Database to a preinstalled MS SQL Server.


If you have been using Litmus Production Record Internal Event Configurator , make sure to get at least Version 1.1.0 of this tool after updating to Litmus Production Record Database V


  • Full version of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 or higher is deployed
    • Supported Editions: Enterprise, Standard, Developer, Express
  • A SQL Authentication user with the rights to deploy and manage databases such as the sa user
  • The SQL Server is reachable via its IP / the IP for the SQL Server is known
  • To run the Installer, the .Net version has to be 4.7.2 or higher


Many organizations will not allow to use the default SQL Authentication user sa in their production environments.

To ensure that Litmus Production Record Database can operate and has all the right permissions, it is recommended to use, only for the installation, a user which has similar privilege's as the sa user.

Such a user can for example be created with a script like this.


Which creates a user called Litmus with the password mysupers3cr3tpa$$w0rd. Once the user is enabled, it can be used to install Litmus Production Record Database.

As this user has sysadmin permissions, for day to day operation such as reading or writing data a different user, not with the sysadmin role, should then be used.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows Operating Systems
  • Linux

Deployment options

  • Docker Container
  • Kubernetes
  • Datacenter
  • Azure -> any Virtual machine with SQL Server installed (NOT Azure SQL Database)

Step by Step guide to install Litmus Production Record Database

This guide will provide instructions on how to install Litmus Production Record Database on a new SQL Server or Update an existing installation. This guide will not provide instructions on how to use or configure the various aspects of Litmus Production Record Database. These instructions are provided through the Solutions Documentation Portal.

Step 1: Download the Installer from Central Portal.

Step 2: Run the Installer.

Step 3: Provide the three mandatory Inputs for the SQL Authentication: SQL Server Name / IP -> the IP (not host / DNS name) of the SQL Server SQL Authentication User -> the SQL Authentication User (not Windows accounts user) Password -> the SQL Authentication User password (not Windows account password

Provide SQL Authentication
Provide SQL Authentication

Step 4: The Installer will check if Litmus Production Record Database is already installed. If Yes, it will retrieve the path where it is deployed.

Image 2: Litmus Production Record installed
Image 2: Litmus Production Record installed

If No, it will retrieve the default path for databases to be deployed to.

Litmus Production Record not installed
Litmus Production Record not installed

Step 5: OPTIONAL For a new installation, users can optional modify the path for the database file and log file.

Modify the installation directory
Modify the installation directory

NOTE: The database directory specified has to exist before running the installer. As SQL Server can not create a missing directory.

Step 6: Press the Create/Update Litmus Production Record button.

Create / Update button
Create / Update button

Step 7: The progress is shown through the Log Screen.


The installation is finished if the line

"ProductionRecord DB Installation/Update completed."

Litmus Production Record Database creation / Update completed
Litmus Production Record Database creation / Update completed

is shown.