Litmus Production Record Datab...

Interacting with Litmus Production Record Database


Litmus Production Record Database is entirely build in Microsoft SQL Server. Supported are all versions from MSQL Server 2017 onwards as well as all editions. Due to this architecture, users do not need additional software to be installed to use Litmus Production Record Database, as the solution includes all he means necessary in the form of Procedures, Functions or Views. These allow users to perform all tasks which are required to setup and manage Data Models as well as insert data or retrieve query results. As they take the form of T-SQL code, users have a wide range of options for interacting with Litmus Production Record Database. Options include direct execution of these Procedures, Functions and views through applications MSSQL CLI or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Additionally, users have the option to create their own custom applications using any programming language which supports the execution of T-SQL.

For customers convenience, Litmus does offer several custom solutions to work with Litmus Production Record Database. Please feel free to browse our dedicated solutions for Litmus Production Record Database.

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