Topic Registry

Post-Deployment Configuration


Configuring the Solution

After deployment, access the solution's web UI as described above. On your first visit, you'll be redirected to the Settings page. Here, you can validate and finalize configuration settings and start the data retrieval process.

Note: Access to the solution will be available only after the configuration validation is successfully completed.

If you provided environment variables during deployment, the settings form will be pre-populated. Click Save Settings to begin data retrieval.

You can also test the connection without starting data retrieval by clicking Test Connection.

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Note: The Settings form includes an option to share anonymized usage data to help improve the solution. This option is enabled by default but can be disabled by toggling the switch.

Data Retrieval Process

Upon successful validation of the configuration settings, the Topic Registry will retrieve data from Litmus Edge. This may take some time, depending on the number of topics and system resources.

You'll be redirected to a loading page where you can monitor progress. Once data retrieval is complete, you'll see the final status of each component, indicating successes and any issues.

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Once the data retrieval process is complete, you will be presented with the final status of each component. This page provides a detailed breakdown of the data fetched from Litmus Edge, indicating which components were successfully retrieved and highlighting any that encountered issues, as shown below:

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If any component fails to fetch data, you can navigate to that component's page to troubleshoot.