How-To Guides
Litmus Edge Manager User UI Gu...

Manage Multiple Teams and Members


In this guide, you will add projects, create teams, and assign roles to users. You will create two projects and assign Read/Write permissions to each team member.

  • Read permission: You can access and view all areas of Litmus Edge Manager, but you can't make any changes to existing configurations/settings.
  • Write permission: You can access all areas of Litmus Edge Manager and make changes to existing configurations/settings.

Before You Begin

You must have the Admin role to do the following:

  • Add or manage a company from your Litmus Edge Manager.
  • Add a user and assign roles to team members.
  • See Assign Admin Privileges  for more details.

Step 1: Create a Company

Step 2: Create Projects within the Company

You need to add two projects to see how to manage multiple teams and members for multiple projects. Refer to Add a New Project to learn more.

The screenshot below shows what the Projects page looks like with two added projects.

Adding two testing projects
Adding two testing projects

Step 3: Activate an Edge Device

Add at least one Litmus Edge device to each project. This allows you to assign roles to users in the projects. See Activate an Edge Device to learn more.

Step 4: Create Teams

You can add multiple teams based on the size and structure of your company. We add two Teams to demonstrate the scenario of managing multiple teams from Litmus Edge Manager. 

To create teams:

  1. Navigate to Settings and click the COMPANY tab.

    Settings Page in LEM
    Settings Page in LEM
  2. Add your team's name in the Team Name input box.
  3. Click the ADD TEAM button. You can find the newly created team in the Company Teams table.

    Company teams table
    Company teams table
  4. Repeat the steps above to add another team.

    Company teams table with two teams
    Company teams table with two teams

Step 5: Add Users to Teams

To add new team members, invite them through email if they are not already in the system.

To add new users to teams:

  1. From the Select Team dropdown box, select a Team (Team1 for this example).
  2. Enter the name or email of the user you want to add to the team in the User Name / Email input box.
  3. Click the ADD USER button. The Invite user dialog box appears.

    Add user to a team
    Add user to a team
  4. Edit or confirm the user email address and click SEND. The Team Members table will display the new user details.

    Invite user dialog box
    Invite user dialog box
  5. Repeat the steps above to add another user to a different Team (Team2).

    Team members table
    Team members table

The user's Status is currently PENDING and will change to ONBOARD after they accept the invitation.

Step 6: Assign Roles to Teams 

You can assign Read or Write roles to your team members.

To assign roles:

  1. Navigate to the PROJECTS page in Settings.
  2. Make the following selections from the Project Teams section:
    • Select Project: Select TestProject1.
    • Select Team: Select Team1
    • Select Role: Select the Write role.
  3. Click ADD to complete the process.

    Assign different roles to teams
    Assign different roles to teams
  4. From the dropdown menu labeled Select Role, select the Read role for Team2. Click the ADD button to complete the process.  The Project Teams table will display the details of the assigned project roles.

    Roles for first testing project
    Roles for first testing project
  5. Repeat the steps above for TestProject2 and assign different team roles as described earlier.

    Roles for second testing project
    Roles for second testing project

Step 7: Accept Invitations to Join Respective Team

Ask the team members to accept the company and team invitation.

After accepting the invitation, the user's status on the Litmus Edge Manager portal changes to ONBOARD.