Step 6: (Optional) Update an Application Version
You can update an application version in the Primary marketplace catalog and initiate a sync from the Secondary marketplace catalog to pull the new changes.
- Make sure to finish Steps 1 - Step 5 of Deploy Edge Applications to Multiple Sites Using Marketplace Catalog Sync before proceeding.
To add a new application release version in the primary catalog:
Go to the Primary marketplace catalog you created in Step 1: Create Primary Catalog With List of Applications and select Analytics application to add a new release version.
- Click the + icon to open the Add Release dialog box.
- Enter a suitable name for the release.
- Enter a description for the release version.
- Enter a readme for the release version.
Click Save.
- You can add launch variables or docker container configurations to the draft application release. See Step 3-Step 5 in Add a Draft Application Release.
Note: A Docker application release is always in one of two states: RELEASED (submitted) or DRAFT. When a Docker application release is in a RELEASED state, it cannot be further modified. Likewise, when it is in DRAFT, it can be modified.
In this guide and in real-world settings, it is recommended that the secondary site always syncs to the draft application release to allow for further modifications specific to their site needs.
Once the primary site (Canada) uploads the new version of the application into the Primary Catalog, the secondary site (Japan) manually initiates a sync with the primary catalog to pull the new application version.
To synchronize the secondary catalog with the primary catalog using the new application release version:
- From the secondary marketplace catalog's Synchronization page, navigate to the Synchronization: Secondary Catalog pane.
Click Sync to pull the new version updates in the catalog.
Note: There is no need for approval of a primary catalog sync request this time. A secure connection has been established using a bootstrap file in Step 3: Establish Secure Connection Between Primary and Secondary Catalog.
To verify if the application(s) have received the new release version, go to the Applications pane in the Secondary marketplace catalog and confirm the release update.
Note: To make changes to the pulled release version before deploying it to the edge device, see Manage Application Releases.