The Statistics module primarily shows you how Litmus Edge Manager uses disk space. It allows you to view user/archive data, view disk usage by period, view disk usage by projects, and archive or purge data from this sub-module.
The Statistics module includes the following sections:
- Primary Partitions Usage: This section visualizes the current usage of primary partitions, including the total user data in GB, the percentage of user data used, and the percentage of free data space in GB.
- All partitions: This section displays all instance partitions along with their current usage, including the total user data in GB, the percentage of user data used, and the percentage of free data space in GB. You can copy the path of a listed data object.
- Disk usage by data object: Includes a pie chart with data objects depicted where you can hover over sections of the chart to view the disk usage for each data object in GB.
- Data objects: A list of data objects showing the data objects' size, usage in percentage format, and path along with object name.
- Data Cumulative Chart: Shows the Periods amount of disk usage for each month in bar chart format.
- Top 10 Projects Chart: Shows the cumulative amount of disk usage for each project (up to 10 projects) in bar chart format.
- Stats by periods: Includes a data list grouped by company and project organized by month. You can filter the list, and archive or purge a selected data item from the list.
- Stats by projects: Includes a data list grouped by projects. You can only display the list and search/sort selected data items from the list.
To access the statistics UI:
- Log in to the Litmus Edge Manager (LEM) Admin Console at the following URL: https://[LEM IP address]:8446.
- From the Navigation panel, select Data Lifecycle. Data Lifecycle's Statistics pane by default appears.
Refer to the following actions you can take on the Litmus Edge Manager Admin Console Data Lifecycle's Statistics pane.

Action | Details |
[1] View data object disk usage | |
[2] Data Objects Table |
[3] Show filter / Hide filter | Search by Company, or Project Disk Usage statistics by period include:
[4] Action menu |
- Each .csv.gz file is up to ten times the size of the data size (The data size that is shown in Stats By Periods section is actually a compressed size). Before you archive, ensure the Litmus Edge Manager has enough disk space to contain all the .csv.gz files that it will archive. Insufficient disk space will prevent the data from being archived. After archiving, review the list of archive files to ensure the archive operation was successful.
- Purge: This will delete the data from the Litmus Edge Manager. Purging data cannot be undone.
Litmus Edge Manager keeps track of disk usage in partitions of months. The tracked disk usage is only for Clickhouse data (hence all archive/purge operations are applicable for Clickhouse data only). The disk usage amount is calculated either from the instance or each individual project. Each month of disk usage is defined as a period.
For example, your Litmus Edge Manager has five projects. To calculate disk usage, each project will be categorized as one period for the same month. So Litmus Edge Manager will generate five periods for the same month, each period including one project.
As an additional example, three months have passed. For the five projects above, each of them experienced some disk usage in those three months. So you will have 15 additional periods (five projects of disk usage * 3 months).
Periods are also categorized as previous or current. If the current system date is March 2023, then all disk usage by projects during March 2023 are current periods. All periods from February 2023 and before are previous periods.