Litmus Edge Manager Admin Cons...
Product Features
Data Lifecycle



The Management module allows you to download archived data files and purge the archived data files from this sub-module.

The types of archived data files you can download are:

  • Events: Litmus Edge event data.
  • Incidents: Incident history data generated by alerts.
  • OMA: Litmus Edge data in OMA format. This format has been deprecated from Litmus Edge and Litmus Edge Manager.
  • Raw: Litmus Edge data in raw format.

When you purge an archive, all the data for the selected project is removed.

The Management module includes the Data Archive list.

Access Management UI

To access the management UI:

  1. Log in to the Litmus Edge Manager (LEM) Admin Console at the following URL: https://[LEM IP address]:8446.
  2. From the Navigation panel, select Data Lifecycle. Data Lifecycle's Statistics pane by default appears.
  3. From Data Lifecycle's navigation sub-panel, select Management. Data Lifecycle's Management pane appears.

Refer to the following actions you can take on the Data Lifecycle > Management pane. The user interface below is for Litmus Edge Manager version 2.10.1 and later.

Data Lifecycle: Access Management
Data Lifecycle: Access Management

[1] Show filter / Hide filter

[2] Refresh

[3] Download File: Files that can be available to download are:

  • events
  • incidents
  • oma
    • This format has been deprecated from Litmus Edge and Litmus Edge Manager.
  • raw

[4] Action:

  • Purge: This will delete the archived data from the Litmus Edge Manager. Purging a data archive cannot be undone.

Important: The Event data is not automatically deleted after archiving. It remains stored unless manually removed.