Litmus Edge Manager Admin Cons...
Product Features
Edge Devices

Edge Device Templates


The Template List provides you with an overview about available templates. From the Templates List, you can access all templates available for different companies, projects, or instances from the Admin Console.

Three scopes are defined for a template:

  • Instance: The template can be applied to all companies and projects for this Litmus Edge Manager
  • Company: The template can be applied to all projects for a company
  • Project: The template can be applied to all device for this project

For each template, the following displays:

  • Description: A description of the template.
  • Template Scope: This determines where templates can be applied in the Litmus Edge Manager.
  • Company: The company for which the template can be applied.
  • Template Statistics: Display additional information about the components of the edge device included in the template.
  • Created At: The date the template was uploaded to Litmus Edge Manager.
  • Parameterized: Indicates if the selected template is simple or parameterized using False and True respectively.
  • Action: Allows you to select the following actions for each template:
    • Edit template
    • Download template
    • Delete

Templates are created externally and can be uploaded from a file.

Simple templates are used to duplicate the field data for one instance, company or project to multiple other instances, companies or projects in Litmus Edge Manager. This comes in handy when most field data is the same.

For example, if most configuration information for devices in the same project are the same, you can use a simple template when adding new devices to the project.

Parameterized templates are used when you want to change specific names or types of configuration information for instances, companies or projects.

For example, if some of the configuration information for devices, such as the name, in the same project are different, you can use a parameterized template when adding new devices to the project.

Access Edge Device Templates UI

To access the edge device templates UI:

  1. Log in to the Litmus Edge Manager (LEM) Admin Console at the following URL: https://[LEM IP address]:8446.
  2. From the Navigation panel, select Edge Devices. Edge Device's Edge Software Update pane by default appears.
  3. From Edge Device's navigation sub-panel, select Edge Devices Templates. Edge Device's Edge Devices Templates pane appears.

Refer to the following actions you can take on Litmus Edge Manager Admin Console Edge Device's Edge Device Template pane. The user interface below is for Litmus Edge Manager version 2.11.0 and later.

Litmus Edge Manager Admin Console: Edge Template List
Litmus Edge Manager Admin Console: Edge Template List



[1] Show filter / Hide filter

Search by Description or Company

[2] Upload Template

Simple Template or Parameterized Template

[3] Action menu

  • Edit Template
  • Download Template
  • Delete

[4] View Template Statistics

Display the details of templates.

Upload Templates

You can upload a simple or parameterized template from the Templates List section.

Simple Templates

Simple templates are used to duplicate the field data for one instance, company, or project to multiple other instances, companies, or projects in Litmus Edge Manager. This comes in handy when most field data is the same.

For example, if most configuration information for edge devices in the same project is the same, you can use a simple template when adding new devices to the project.

Parameterized Templates

Parameterized templates are used when you want to change specific names or types of configuration information for instances, companies, or projects.

For example, if some of the configuration information for devices, such as the name, in the same project is different, you can use a parameterized template when adding new devices to the project.

The simple template is uploaded as a JSON file, and the parameterized template is uploaded as a ZIP file.

Litmus Edge Manager Admin Console : Upload Templates
Litmus Edge Manager Admin Console : Upload Templates



[1] Select Simple Template (JSON) / Parameterized Template (.ZIP)

You can upload a software image using a file or a signed URL. Example file name can be : litmusedge-std_3.1.7.0-amd64.upd or Litmusedge-std_3.1.7.0-amd64.upd.sig

[2] Select File

Browse and choose your template file.

[3] Enter Description

Provide details for the uploaded template.

[4] Cancel

Abort the upload process if needed.

[5] Upload

Initiate the template upload action.