Litmus Edge Manager User UI
Product Features

Set Up Alert Triggers


Note: The user interface below is for Litmus Edge Manager version 2.10.1 and later.

You can add an alert trigger for edge devices in the Triggers section in the Alerts module.

Review the following guides for setting up alert triggers:

Add new trigger icon
Add new trigger icon

Important: Triggers require an action for notification implementation.

Variables change depending on the Source selected.

Before You Begin

Add an action to the Action List to receive a notification. See Add new Action for details.

Step 1: Select and Set Up Source

Completing the Source section first avoids issues with the variables for the Subject and Message fields in the Trigger section. The source is the type of condition needed to trigger an alert.

New Trigger: Source section
New Trigger: Source section

To select a source:

  1. Select a Source. The options are:
    • Metrics: The Trigger section's Subject and Message fields will be hidden and disabled.
    • Events: The Trigger section's Subject and Message fields will be revealed and enabled.
  2. Click the Add link to add a new rule. The rule table drops down. The rule table is dependent on your source selection.

Step 1a: Set Up Metrics Source

Select a metrics source to set up an alert that triggers based on metrics collected by Litmus Edge Manager, specifically when the value of a variable is a certain desired value or certain set/interval of values. You may create only one metrics rule per alert.

New Trigger : Source section : Metrics Source
New Trigger : Source section : Metrics Source

From the Select Alert template drop-down list, select an alert template and enter a value for each of the respective parameters. Refer to the following table for more information on each alert template:

Metrics Name | Source

Description / Purpose


Trigger Condition (Create an Alert...)

Connector disk buffer | Integration

Monitor Integration Connector disk buffer, which is used when the connector’s throughput is insufficient to handle all defined tags coming from Edge devices.

  • Target Value in MB
  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the usage of Integration Connector disk buffer is above __Target_Value__ MB for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Connector online status | Integration

Detect unplanned IntegrationConnector disconnections.

  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the IntegrationConnector is offline for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

DeviceHub (DH) online status | DeviceHub

Detect unplanned disconnections of DeviceHub (DH) devices.

  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the DeviceHub (DH) device is offline for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

DeviceHub (DH) device data quality | DeviceHub

Monitor the rate of low-quality (i.e. error) messages. A high rate of low-quality messages indicate a problem with either the physical device or the device driver.

  • Target Value in msgs/minute
  • Alert Delay in seconds

The rate of low-quality messages for the DH device is above __Target_Value__ for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Edge Device online status | Edge Device

Detect unexpected disconnections of edge Devices.

  • Alert Delay in seconds

The edge device is offline for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Edge Device license expiration | Edge Device

Detect when the license of an edge device has expired.

  • Target Value in days
  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the license for an edge device is going to be expired in __Target_Value__ days for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Edge Device free disk space | Edge Device

Monitor the available disk space of an edge device.

  • Target Value in Percentage
  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the free disk space is less than __Target_Value__ percent for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Edge Device memory available | Edge Device

Monitor the available memory of an edge device

  • Target Value in Percentage
  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the Free RAM is less than __Target_Value__ percent for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Edge Device CPU Idle | Edge Device

Monitor the CPU usage of an edge device

  • Target Value in Percentage
  • Alert Delay in seconds

When the CPU idle is less than __Target_Value__ percent for more than __Alert_Delay__ seconds.

Step 1b: Set Up Events Source

Select an events source to set up an alert that triggers when a specific event occurs.

Note: The trigger for Events in Edge devices will only work if the Forward Events toggle is enabled. For more details on events, refer to the Events documentation.

Source section: Events Source
Source section: Events Source

To set up an events source:

  1. From the Severity drop-down list, select an option.
    • All
    • Info
    • Warning
    • Alert
  2. From the Component drop-down list, select an option.
    • All
    • cc - Integrations
    • mp - Marketplace
    • dh - Device Hub
    • auth - Auth
    • dm - Device Management 
  3. From the Event ID drop-down list, select an option. Options are dependent on the Component selected. See Event ID for User Alert Triggers.
  4. (Optional) Click Show Event Attributes... For each of the event attributes, enter a value.
  5. (Optional) In the Info field, enter a value.
  6. Repeat with additional new rules by clicking the Add new rule button as needed.

Step 2: Set Up Trigger

Note: For Litmus Edge Manager version 2.14.0 and later, you can customize the subject and message of the trigger alert with your preferred text in addition to the variables.

You can customize the trigger's subject/message contents that will be sent to a recipient. The visibility of the Subject and Message fields are dependent on the Source selection from Step 1.

Set up Trigger: Metrics version
Set up Trigger: Metrics version

Set up Trigger: Events version
Set up Trigger: Events version

Subject and Message Variables

You can select from the following variables in the trigger subject and message:

  • $devicename: The name of the associated edge device . (For example: Litmus Edge (08:00:23:18:r5:32).
  • $name: The name of the associated connector or DeviceHub device. (For example: PLC_2)
  • $alertDelay: The alert delay parameter configured for the trigger.
  • $value: The current value associated with the connector or DeviceHub device that is being monitored. (For example: connector disk buffer of 98MB)
  • $company: The company associated with the edge device for the trigger.
  • $deviceid: The associated edge device ID. (For example: 9udklweoidslsdd0lksdjfslkd)
  • $project: The project associated with the edge device for the trigger.
  • $targetValue: The target value configured for the trigger. (For example: 50MB for Connector disk buffer)
  • $componentid: The associated component for the event trigger: cc - Integrations, mp - Marketplace, dh - Device Hub, or auth - Auth.
  • $message: The associated event message for the trigger.
  • $triggerid: The associated trigger ID.
  • $hostname: The associated host name for the trigger.
  • $tags: The associated tags for the trigger.
  • $severity: The severity level selected for the trigger: Info, Warning, or Alert.
  • $triggername: The name configured for the trigger.
  • $type: The associated event type for the trigger.
  • $eventid: The event ID associated with the trigger.

To set up the trigger:

  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the trigger.
  2. (Optional) Click the Active checkbox to set an active trigger flag.
  3. (Optional) Click the Dashboard check box to show trigger alerts on the dashboard.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the trigger.
  5. In the Subject field, select one or more variables. For Litmus Edge Manager version 2.14.0 and later, you can enter your preferred text in addition to selected variables.
  6. In the Message field, select one or more variables. For Litmus Edge Manager version 2.14.0 and later, you can enter your preferred text in addition to selected variables.

Step 3: Set Up Scope

You can customize the scope of the user triggers. This will determine the applicable edge device(s) that will receive this alert trigger.

New Trigger: Set up Scope
New Trigger: Set up Scope

To set up the scope, select an option from the Scope section.

  • All edge devices
  • Edge Device. From the Edge Device drop-down list, select an edge device.

Step 4: Set Up Action

You must create an action to use this section. You can select the response action that will immediately occur after the alert is triggered.

New Trigger: Set up Action
New Trigger: Set up Action

To set up the action:

  1. Select an option from the Action List drop-down list.
  2. (Optional) Select the Continuously check box.
    • If you have checked Continuously, enter a value in the Notification Period field in minutes.
  3. Click Save. The alert trigger appears in the Trigger List.

Important: To continue receiving incident notifications for the same condition, you must resolve the current incident first. After clicking Resolve Incident, a notification will be sent confirming the resolution.