QuickStart Guide
Installation and Deployments

Deployment of Litmus Edge Manager Azure Site Model


You can deploy Litmus Edge Manager as an Azure Site Model.

The Azure application does not come with an automatic license. Customers are required to reach out to the Litmus Account team to request a license after deploying the Litmus Edge Manager.

It's important to note that tag consumption is not monitored, and Litmus does not have access to the customer's environment; however, the customer maintains full control over their Virtual Machines (VM).

Payments are processed through the Azure Marketplace, which also accommodates private offers. The offer from Litmus is a site-based transactable option.

Important for Cloud Deployment: Before you activate the license, please make sure that all hardware or VM configuration steps, such as adding or replacing a Network Interface Controller (NIC), have been completed. Any modifications to the VM hardware configuration might invalidate the licensing settings.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure you have access to Azure Portal.
  • Request a Litmus Edge Manager license from the Litmus Account team.

Deploy Litmus Edge Manager via Azure Marketplace (Cloud)

  1. Log in to your Azure portal.
  2. Select Create a resource.

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  3. In Search service and marketplace bar, enter Litmus.

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  4. From the list of services, select Litmus Edge Manager - Site Model.

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  5. Click the card and navigate to Litmus Edge Manager - Site Model - Microsoft Azure.
  6. Define the following configurations:
    • Resource group: Define a resource group for deployment.
    • Region: Define a region for deployment.
    • Size: Please refer to System Requirements Documentation for minimum & recommended sizing.
    • Managed Resource Group: Select managed resource group from the options.
  7. Click Review + Create.
  8. Agree to the Terms & Conditions and fill in the Contact Information on the next page.
  9. Click Create.

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  10. Check the inbound firewall rules in the virtual network once the application is deployed successfully:
    • 443/tcp: LEM UI access
    • 8446/tcp: LEM admin console UI access
    • 8883/tcp: LE to LEM MQTT connection
    • 51820/udp: LE to LEM remote access connection
  11. Depending on desired network and architecture, we can define specific ranges of IP for sources and destinations.
  12. Review all required and optional inbound and outbound Litmus Edge Manager Firewall Port Configuration Requirements. 
  13. Navigate back to the Overview page.
  14. In the essentials section you will find the IP address associated to your Litmus Edge Manager instance by Azure.
    • [Optional] Configure DNS

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  15. Enter the IP or DNS in a browser to Access to Litmus Edge Manager web UI.

Note: User access to UI will be determined by network & firewall configuration.