Product Features
OPC UA Server

Add a Node


You can manually add nodes to the OPC UA hierarchy by navigating to OPC > Hierarchy.

Add a Node

To add a node:

  1. Navigate to OPC > Hierarchy.
  2. From Hierarchy pane, click the Add icon. If a parent node already exists, you can select it prior to clicking the Add icon.

    The Add node icon
    The Add node icon
  3. From the Add node dialog box, select one of the following options:
    • Folder
    • Device
    • Tag
  4. Refer to the respective type depending on your selection and enter the details for the node.


Enter a descriptive name and click Add.


Enter a descriptive name and click Add.



Topics you enter can come from sources other than DeviceHub devices.

  • The payload structure for tags must include at least the value and success strings of JSON objects. For example:
    • { "value": 11.11, "success": true }
  • Node name: Enter a descriptive name.
  • Topic: Enter a topic name.
  • Data Type: Select a data type. Refer to Data Type Mapping to learn more.

When done configuring the node, click Add.

After clicking Add, click the Save icon.

Save icon for nodes
Save icon for nodes

Restart OPC UA server

After saving the new node, you must restart the OPC UA server. See Manage the OPC UA Server to learn more.