Dashboard count for flows and Analytics is not updated
PLC Status tag may show an error of “unexpected token” in flows
Integration import tags contains deleted tags from DeviceHub
Backup/Restore from previous system may fail for some cases
Deactivation does not go through when Litmus Edge Manager connection is lost
Applying template on same device overwrites
Access node in flows does not show drop-down of topic before deployment
Occasional TUI message with Login incorrect error
Wrong configurations with AD can throw UI errors
Marketplace Catalog list view does not allow you to deploy application
Browse tags does not work in OPC UA Client connecting with Prosys Server
Observer user role trying to view registry page gives UI error
Uploading larger images may cause error
External storage mount on boot remains unmounted
LDAP does not provide feedback step-by-step
License page does not show add-on license status if core license expired
Support for custom data format for MYSQL connector
Unhandled error with disabled user creation with API endpoint
Default network should be updated before deploying an application, configurations changes on network change can cause deployed applications to disappear
Failed retry connection for software upgrade with connection reset
Timeout for backup file upload is ~ 5-6 sec, this can cause issue for remote users
Force deletion of default connector does not remove it. Make sure to gracefully deactivate cloud activation
Update user/device events generates the wrong event
Volume of application is not removed along with the application
Docker image with larger size fails to upload
Backup of OPC UA configurations fails to restore on a different system
Import of a v2.6.x version backup partially fails
Restoring an edge device from a Litmus Edge Manager backup file fails
Selecting individual components without the Marketplace application for template creation fails