Acronym List
While many acronyms have become part of our common language, with their meanings well known to people in the industry, it can be entertaining to review the origin or decoded version of an acronym. The following list includes common acronyms found in the product documentation.
Acronym | Decoded | Description |
ACL | Access Control List | Lists the users and permissions for system access. |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | This security algorithm encrypts and decrypts data using the same encryption key. Software uses this standard to enforce privacy controls on each device and connection. |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol | Open standard for business application messaging. |
BPM | Business Process Management | This business solution focuses on optimization of business processes and workflows. |
CDN | Content Delivery Network | Network nodes and content are located closer to the end user than with typical network configurations. |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing | The standard for creating unique identifiers for networks and individual devices. |
CNC | Computer Numerical Control | This pre-programmed sequences of commands enables automation of machine tools. |
CoAP | Constrained Application Protocol | Web-transfer protocol for IoT constrained nodes and networks; designed for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management | This software manages a database of interactions with customers and potential customers. |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request | Send this encoded file to a certificate authority for creation of an SSL certificate. |
DCS | Distributed Control System | A computerized control system for a process in which autonomous controllers are present in the system without a central operator supervisory control. |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code | Engine control systems in vehicles issue DTCs for problems and failures. For example, a DTC triggers the check engine light in an automobile. |
DTLS | Datagram Transport Layer Security | Protocol for secure communications for datagram-based applications (UDP transport protocol). |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | This software integrates and manages core business functions/units in a shared database. |
ETL | Extract, Transform, and Load | This data warehousing term refers to a process of extracting data from one source, transforming the data, and then storing it in another database. |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | A network protocol that is used to transfer files between a client and a server. |
HID | Human Interface Device | USB-connected devices, such as barcode scanners. In Litmus Edge, an HID remains disconnected because HIDs send data only when there is data to send. |
IoT and IIoT | Internet of Things and Industrial Internet of Things | Communication among a large variety of devices and protocols, along with the collection of data from those devices, enables data analysis and efficient management and planning. |
IPC | Industrial PC | PC-based computing platform for industrial applications. |
MES | Manufacturing Execution System | This system tracks the processes, data, and outcomes–from raw materials to finished goods–of a manufacturing process. This includes such things as materials tracking, management of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and resource scheduling. |
MQTT | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport | This lightweight messaging protocol uses a publish-subscribe method for connecting to sensors and devices. |
NATS | Neural Autonomic Transport System | This messaging platform provides a text-based publish-subscribe protocol. This NATS name compares its functions with a central nervous system. |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | Devices, including Litmus Edge devices, use NTP for time synchronization. |
OAuth | Open Authorization | OAuth 2.0, an open standard for authorization and authentication, can be configured in Litmus Edge Manager. Other authorization methods supported in Litmus Edge Manager, include:
OEE | Overall Equipment Effectiveness | The standard for improving manufacturing productivity. |
OPC | Open Platform Communications | Standard interface used to communicate with industrial devices. Legacy solutions used this standard for accessing devices. As manufacturing systems evolved, a new interoperability standard, OPC UA, was developed by the OPC Foundation. |
OPC DA | Open Platform Communications Data Access | An OPC Foundation specification that defines how real-time data can be transferred between a data source and a data sink (for example: a PLC and an HMI) without either of them having to know each other's native protocol. |
OPC UA | Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture | This machine-to-machine protocol for industrial automation supports a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). |
OTA | Over-the-Air | Over-the-Air updates facilitate device software updates. OTA refers to the methods for distributing software, configuration settings, and even updating encryption keys. |
PaaS | Platform as a Service | Litmus offers Litmus Edge Manager, a cloud platform (PaaS) that provides connectivity with IoT systems to collect data that enables device monitoring and management. |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller | A specialized small computer with a built-in optimized operating system used in industrial machines and sensors. |
RBAC | Role-Based Access Control | Enables customization of access control lists, which define who can access data, based on their assigned roles. |
REST | Representational State Transfer | REST provides a web service for exchanging messages between devices. Application programming interfaces (APIs) can be used to glean essential information from JSON over HTTP (refer to REST API with JSON). Users can use REST APIs to develop their own interfaces. |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition | An architecture for industrial control systems that includes sensors, control relays, PLCs, computers, and applications that directly interface with managed systems. The SCADA HMI (Human-Machine Interface) enables interactivity with devices. |
SOA | Service-Oriented Architecture | This approach to building systems focuses on business processes for which services need to be developed and supported. This is a departure from the development of systems that focus on hardware, software, and networking resources. |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | SOAP provides a web service that defines a standard communication protocol for exchanging messages between devices. |
SSH | Secure Shell | Protocol for secure communication over a network. |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | Protocol for secure communication over a network. |
TFA | Two Factor Authentication | Adds an extra layer of security for user logins. |
TLS | Transport Layer Security | Protocol for secure communication over a network. |