


The following limitations have been identified. When they are resolved, they will be reported in the latest Product Updates under Resolved Issues.



  • When trying to edit topics in the Access Accounts section, the UI becomes distorted, showing the edit screen for all users in the list instead of the selected user.
  • When attempting to add a mount point, you will not be able to mount an FTP server.
  • When trying to apply a DeviceHub template, the upload fails with the error Device with name already exists.
  • Saved granular role permissions for DeviceHub may not display in the UI.
  • Firewall rules may need to be re-added after upgrading, as they are not applied during the upgrade process in current version.


  • When adding a tag, the Value Type field for the OPCUA device includes an additional character [].


  • The reset password option in DB Users does not handle any errors if the new password is same as old password.


  • When deploying Litmus Edge on a Kubernetes cluster using the Network File System (NFS) instead of the regular ext4 Linux file system, loopedge-dm does not recognize the file system and gives an error couldn't get storage info: var mount point not found.

Digital Twins:

  • After editing the Digital Twin model, the updated version does not appear automatically and requires a manual page refresh to see the changes.


  • If a connector fails to connect, no error message may be available to review.
  • Fields for the AWS SiteWise connector may not have the correct input validation.