Tag Data Type Conversions
Tag Data Type conversion is converted as follows:
- TIA Portal Tag Table Data Types
- TIA Portal Program Block Data Types
- Arrays are automatically expanded. For each array, a tag is created for the entire array as well as each index in the array.
- Tags cannot be created for User Data Types or Strings placed in the InOut section of a function block.
- User-defined types in tag tables cannot be expanded. The address of the start of the UDT will be provided as a tag.
TIA Portal tag table data types are converted to Server data types as follows:
TIA Portal Data Type | Server Data Type |
Bool | Boolean |
Byte | Byte |
Char | Char |
Counter | Word |
Date | String |
Dint | Long |
DWord | DWord |
Int | Short |
Real | Float |
S5Time | Long |
Time | String |
Timer | Long |
Time Of Day | String |
Word | Word |
Aom_Ident | DWord |
Conn_Any | Word |
Conn_Ouc | Word |
Conn_Prg | Word |
Conn_R_Id | DWord |
DB_ANY | Word |
DB_DYN | Word |
DB_WWW | Word |
Event_Any | DWord |
Event_Att | DWord |
Event_HwInt | DWord |
Hw_Any | Word |
Hw_Device | Word |
Hw_DpMaster | Word |
Hw_DpSlave | Word |
Hw_Hsc | Word |
Hw_Interface | Word |
Hw_IEPort | Word |
Hw_Io | Word |
Hw_IoSystem | Word |
Hw_Module | Word |
Hw_Pto | Word |
Hw_Pwm | Word |
Hw_SubModule | Word |
LReal | Double |
OB_Any | Short |
OB_Att | Short |
OB_Cyclic | Short |
OB_Delay | Short |
OB_DIAG | Short |
OB_HWINT | Short |
OB_PCYCLE | Short |
OB_STARTUP | Short |
OB_Tod | Short |
Pip | Word |
Port | Word |
Rtm | Word |
SInt | Char |
UDInt | DWord |
UInt | Word |
USInt | Byte |
WChar | Short |
TIA Portal program block data types are converted to Server data types as follows:
TIA Portal Data Type | Server Data Type |
Bool | Boolean |
Byte | Byte |
Char | Char |
Counter | Char |
Date | String |
Dint | Long |
DWord | DWord |
Int | Short |
Real | Float |
S5Time | Long |
Time | String |
Timer | String |
Time Of Day | String |
Word | Word |
Date and Time | String |
CONN_ANY | Word |
CONN_OUC | Word |
CONN_PRG | Word |
CONN_R_ID | DWord |
DB_ANY | Word |
DB_DYN | Word |
DB_WWW | Word |
Hw_Any | Word |
Hw_Device | Word |
Hw_DPMaster | Word |
Hw_DPSlave | Word |
Hw_HSC | Word |
Hw_Interface | Word |
Hw_IEPort | Word |
Hw_Io | Word |
Hw_IoSystem | Word |
Hw_Module | Word |
Hw_Pto | Word |
Hw_Pwm | Word |
Hw_SubModule | Word |
LReal | Double |
OB_Any | Short |
OB_Att | Short |
OB_Cyclic | Short |
OB_Delay | Short |
OB_DIAG | Short |
OB_HWINT | Short |
OB_PCYCLE | Short |
OB_STARTUP | Short |
OB_Tod | Short |
Pip | Word |
Port | Word |
Rtm | Word |
SInt | Char |
UDInt | DWord |
UInt | Word |
USInt | Byte |
WChar | Short |