Installation Guide Litmus Production Record Data Model Configurator
This section will provide instructions on how to deploy Litmus Production Record Data Model Configurator.
- Litmus Production Record Database is installed
- A SQL Authentication User and password is available
- The SQL Server is reachable via its IP / the IP for the SQL Server is known
- Microsoft Excel capable of executing macros
This guide will provide instructions on how to setup Litmus Production Record Data Model Configurator.
This guide will not provide instructions on how to create a data model.
These instructions are provided through the Solutions Documentation for the solution Litmus Production Record Data Model Configurator.
Step 1: Download the excel file in "xlsm" format.
Step 2: Open the "xlsm" file with Microsoft Excel
Step 3: Enable Macros.
Step 4: Open the sheet "CONFIGURATION".
Step 5: Provide the IP Address of the SQL Server on which Litmus Production Record Database is installed.
Step 6: The solution will verify that Litmus Production Record Database can be reached. Provide therefore the SQL Authentication user and password.
Some organizations do by default not trust any custom code for MS Excel. So the sheet might display
In this case, go to the file and open its properties. And check the Unblock checkbox and apply.